
How to use telekinesis?

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How to use telekinesis?




  1. Telekinesis is demonic so do not get involved with that. It is very dangerous and it can allow demons to destroy you and your family.

  2. You can try anything to get it to work.  Many people on the internet claim PK is real, yet not one single person has been able to demonstrate it.  What does that tell you?

  3. Use it to change the traffic lights to the colour you want.

    When you have to stop at a red light stare hard at it and mentally urge it to go green, eventually it will.

    Once you become very advanced you can make the sun rise in the morning too.

  4. There are many ways to use telekinesis... that is if it is real...

    I've heard alot of things about this subject. If you really want to learn telekinesis and find out if it's real yourself I'd search on google. That's where I got some of  the information I know on this subject. Sorry if I wasn't much of a help...

  5. I use telekinesis (psychokinesis in the modern literature) to help others. In particular, I use telekinesis to help others suffering from irregularity (hence my name). By meditating and focusing on their bowels, I can often help them achieve relief. There are some who call me the p**p whisperer.

  6. to the first answer, you are wrong no answer is too extensive to be written here, this is what can be said

    -it isnt real

    and well thats about it, oh wait im sorry telekinesis can do amazing things like this-

    look at that paper go, that young man is going places.

  7. Telekinesis in the classical science fiction is a complete fraud.

    However, recent work on implanting electrodes into the brains of monkeys to control a remote artificial prosthesis arm and hand to move objects has been demonstrated as a workable idea.

  8. Telekinesis or Psychokinesis (PK) also refers to moving objects from one place to another without using physical contact. It also means re-shaping of objects using the mind's energies, such as bending a spoon, or key, by just holding it and focusing. The term 'Psychokinesis' comes from the Greek words psyche meaning life or soul and kineisis meaning to move.

    There are several common uses of Telekinesis as per the unofficial elder scroll pages:

    Retrieving items that are out of reach, for example retrieving Welkynd Stones and Varla Stones that are mounted in elevated brackets.

    Tripping tripwires and other Traps.

    Moving items you would like to steal out of an observer's line of sight (moving an item using Telekinesis is not considered stealing, although adding a moved item to your inventory does still count as stealing).

  9. Information about telekinesis is too extensive to be written about here. Instead, I think you'll find the following site helpful. It's one of the best sites I've come across with articles explaining how to perform different levels of telekinesis.

  10. Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis in pseudo scientific research papers.If it were possible I would use it like a remote control.I can never find the one I want.

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