
How to use your anger properly in a fight(physicaly)?

by Guest66714  |  earlier

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Is there a way to properly release your anger during a fight, by useing its engery against your oponent? i know this sounds a bit crazy but i have heard that going crazy and into a rage gives your oppenant strength when you tire out. If anyone knows how, someone who does know how, or a place to go to learn a technique on releasing it properly please let me know, i have a lot of anger right now,i really need this information soon.

i have done all of the realsing anger and geting rid of it through exersises and all other sorts of stuff. Does not work for me. I now only have one option.

thank you.

P.S.- its better to be able to control it even when letting it out this way.




  1. It may be better for you if you found the cause of you anger and resolved it ...(for your own benefit .... self interest )

  2. I think there's a balance in a fight between using anger to sharpen your focus and take the fight to your opponent, and letting it drive you to foolish decisions that sap your energy and leave you open to attack.

    In my experience, there are few opponents who can use their anger to advantage.

    I never am angry when I fight, and if I am facing an opponent who is angry, it takes some of the joy out of the contest.  To me, there's nothing better than to sit back with your opponent after a fight and talk about what a great kick or punch he threw, how I could tell my spinning kick was too slow as soon as I started it.  You feel almost like brothers.  If he's angry at me, I can't do that.

  3. hmm..bite the neck!!!...thats how you win

  4. Violence is never the answer. you and your opponent should sit down, take a few breaths, and talk things out!!!!! the world would be a much better place if we all did that.  

  5. I dont go for fights ; I fear fights since my childhood because of this philosophy : If I give a punch on somebody's face for first time ; No doubt he will punch me too ; Now in  order to save my self respect I need to punch him back & then he will punch me back & this cycle goes on until someone inrefers in the fight to stop it ;

    U may be young ; your hormones raging ; I suggest not to go for fights

    plz answer mine :

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