
How to vary my fishes diet?

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I have bought some fish (penguin tetra,neon tetra, glow light tetra, 2 dwarf gouramis, and 3 bronze cory cats). I was wondering if you could tell me some foods that i could feed them. Could you do it like this please:

Cory cats: ___

Dwarf Gourami's: ___

etc thanks =]




  1. You could feed them frozen brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, and flake food perhaps.

  2. You can feed them all pretty much the same thing.  They are all tropical fish.  Try algae wafers, micro wafers, catfish pellets, shrimp pellets, tubifex worms, bloodworms, brine shrimp, earthworm flakes and live microworms.  Also give them some frozen, steamed or boiled pea innards every once in a while.  It's a great constipation preventative for tropical fish and they love it.

    Tubifex worms are a cory cat favorite, but the other fish will like them, too.  Bloodworms also seem to be a universal fish favorite.  It's hilarious watching little shrimp wrestling with a fat worm or tiny guppy fry trying to eat thawed frozen bloodworms that are almost bigger than they are.  It's especially funny when there's one fish on each end of a really long worm. :D

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