
How to. vball.?

by Guest45344  |  earlier

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how do i convince my father to let me switch schools my senior yr?

here's the situation- if you've been around for awhile you know the situation with my coach. & its now the coach has the other players laughing at me. (yeahhh great coach.) :] and my school has pathetic athletic teams anyway. lol(except its not really funny for me right now)

My mom lives in another school district.(coincidently one with a good vball team).

I have played with some of those players in club and i believe i would be able to make the team. I may not be the best player on that team but hey- it's a lot better(record wise) team.

It also has sent 2 players(recently) to the college i hope to go to whether I'm able to play vball or not(hopefully so). My current team has probably NEVER sent anyone to a college for vball(@ least not in recent history).

help pleasssssssssssse.




  1. I'm actually in a similar situation, but at school if you don't transfer to another school before second semester then you aren't allowed to play a sport.

    What I am telling my mom, (and I will bring attention after this years volleyball) is that the coach isn't helping me improve. He/She plays favorites, and I would like to got to a school that will be able to take me somewhere.

  2. ok this is what u hav to do tell ur day that in order to reach ur dream u hav to go to another skool tell him if u cant understand that i need to go there then u really dont understand me. make him feel guilty about not letting u go, hopefully he will let u go.

  3. you bump then you set it and then you spike it

  4. It really depends on how your parents get along.  If they HATE each other, you will probably have to settle for the bad team and coach.  If they get along, try to explain to them the situation exactly like you put it here.  Calmly.  Quietly.  Do not demand to make the move.  Point out everything just like you have laid it out here.  Emphasize the college part and the scholarship part.  Do not get upset or lose your temper.  (I am not saying that you would lose your temper.  Most discussions end up heated if the results do not go the way of the person starting the discussion.)  

    One last thing if that does not work, talk to the coach in your mom's school district.  See if that coach will talk with your parents.  

    Try talking with your parents first.  Then, get the other coach involved.

    Good luck.  This will not be easy.

  5. talk to the teams couch
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