
How to verify these data's are correct about MUSLIM TERRORISTS?

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1. Muslims kidnapping and murdering Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics.

2. The taking of the US Embassy in Iran in 1979.

3. The US . Marine barracks in Beirut being blown up by Muslims in 1983.

4. Muslims hi-jacking the Achille Lauro cruise ship and murdering a 70 year old wheelchair bound American in 1985.

5. Muslims hijacking TWA flight 847 and murdering a US Navy diver in 1985.

6. The bombing of Pan Am flight 103 by Muslims in 1988.

7. The 1996 bombing of a US Air Force barracks in Saudi Arabia.

8. Muslims bombing the World Trade Center in 1993.

9. Muslims bombing the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

10. The 2000 bombing of the battleship USS Cole in Yemen.

11. Muslims hijacking and crashing airliners into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001.

12. Muslims partying in the streets over the deaths of thousands of innocent victims of the 9/11 terrorists attacks upon the United States.

13. The kidnapping, murder, decapitation, and dismemberment of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

14. Muslim terrorists and suicide bombers killing hundreds of innocent civilians in Israel since the beginning of the Palestinian Intifada in September of 2000.

15. The hundreds of churches that are destroyed and thousands of Christians who are killed each year by Muslims around the world.

16. The fact that there are more revolutions, assassinations, and terrorism in Muslim countries then in all the rest of the world combined.

17. The fact that one half of the worlds terrorists organizations are Muslim.

18. The eight-year war between Iran and Iraq in which 1,000 tons of poison gas were used and deaths numbered more then in World War 1.

19. The two million people killed in Sudan since the Muslims in the north declared Jihad against the Christians in the south.

20. The 100,000 casualties of Algeria’s brutal civil war between Islamic guerrillas and government forces.

21. Muslim mobs in 1991 killing 300 Christians in Nigeria over German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s preaching of the gospel in the city of Kano.

22. Shanti Nagar, the only majority Christian town in Pakistan, being attacked by 30,000 Muslims over the discovery of a torn Koran in a nearby mosque.

23. The fact that all but two of the worlds current conflicts involve Muslim governments and or communities.

24. The fact that all but one of the worlds remaining military regimes are in Muslim countries.

25. The fact that Muslim countries are the worlds largest arms purchasers.

26. Iraq’s production of enough VX nerve gas to kill every human being on the face of the earth.

27. The 80 revolutions in the Islamic world from 1948 to 1973, 30 of them successful , and 22 of them involving the murder of heads of state.

28. Muslims assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 over his signing a peace treaty with Isreal.

29. Muslims murdering and mutilating 58 tourists in Egypt in 1997.

30. The fact that two-thirds of the worlds political prisoners are held in Muslim countries, which carry out 80% of the worlds executions.

31. How come if most all Muslims are not terrorists, how come most all terrorists are Muslim ?




  1. I have not read them all.

    But two points to remember.

    1. If you collect all the event of terrorism in the world it will be less 10%.

    2. All these events were reaction to the atrocities done by opposite parties, where as what christians has done is initiated from themselves.

    At the end I would like to ask a simpe question. Why common american support their govt policy of supporting most racist and criminal state by name Israel?

  2. There are lots of crimes done in the world and they are not all done by Muslims. If you had included crimes done by other religions there would be a lot more..  

  3. 24. The fact that all but one of the worlds remaining military regimes are in Muslim countries.

    Fiji and Myanmar are two examples of military regimes that are non-Muslim.

  4. do NOT want ME to make a list.

    id come up with a h**l of alot more than 31 tidbits about how christians are worse.

    for the amusement of the going to respond to everyo one though...if youre reading this and want to see me respond...bookmark this page and come back in a few minutes!

    1. I dont remember the names, but i beleive a few Christians kidnapped a g*y guy once, beat the c**p out of him and tied him to a barb wire fence still alive...leaving him to die.

    2. Lets ignore Kosovo, muslim vs christian where the christians were the agressors (if my history serves me correctly)

    3. The christian guy who blew up the oklahoma federal building. also happened to be a white supremacist.

    ok im not gonna go on, it seems that this guy simply has taken all the things that terrorists have done, slapped a "MUSLIM" sticker on their foreheads and sent them off as supposed evidence that ALLmuslims are terrorists.

    i got news dude..all religions have their whacked out fundamentalists. find a documentary called "Soldiers in the Army of God". watch it. i dare you....i know you wont ...but i dare you anyways.

    fundies are in all religions, you cant peg all the believers of one religion as terrorists because of the actions of a few.

    if this was the case than the christian population are all terrorists because of what happened during the Inquisition and Salem witch trials.

    so stop...stop trying to make people look bad because you dont like them.


  5. Question 31 is the worst fallacy argument I have EVER seen.

  6. Northern Ireland would like a word with you.

  7. When the planes drop bombs that killed Muslim, 300 tons of them only recently, destroyed city and killing people. Non stop sortie for weeks from aircraft carrier , use of illegal napalm bomb. They worst than what you described, who were they?

  8. To preacherswife: Hitler wasn't an atheist.

  9. compared to what the U.S and Israel are  doing  muslims did absolutely nothing.  

    Not all muslims are terrorists either.  Your media  only loves to label muslims as being terrorists.  

    Many of the "terrorists acts" had nothing to do with islam but due to a political conflict.  Most of these things were not done in the name of Islam yet you say muslims as if it was done in the name of our religion.  i can get you a big fat list about crimes comitt by non muslims against muslims.  Some of the victims of the terrorists acts  you mentioned are muslims too.

    As you mentioned Israel  and Jews so many times.  Do you know that Israel is living on stolen land and did you know that they have hit the world record violating human rights?

    •Israel has ethnically cleansed 500 an towns and villages.

    Israel has demolished 60 000+ Palestinian homes.

    Israel has the highest record of U.N has condemnation 500 + times

    1) israel is illegally occuppying the land of the palestinians

    2) israel has set many road blocks

    3) israel is demolishing the homes of the palestinians

    4) israel is murdering unarmed Palestinians (including many babies and children)

    5) israel is using the Palestinians as human shields

    6) isreal doesn't allowPalestinians all the humanitarian aides to reach Palestinians

    7) israel is uprooting trees

    8) israel is cutting off electricity

    9) israel is preventing palestinians from reaching hospitals

    10) israel puts Palestinian children in brutal Israeli prison

    11) israel is bullying Palestinians on their way from school, work etc.

    12) isreal is setting curfew hours, preventing palestinans to go out on the streets.

    13) israel is attacking schools, mosques, churches, ambulances

    16) israel is depriving palestinians of medical care, food, clean water

    17) israel is using torture method on the palestinians in prison

    18) israel is denying refugees to return to their homeland

    19) israel is building illegal settlements

    20) israel is jailing activists without trial

    22) israel is using cluster and uranium bombs

    23) israel is builiding segregation walls

    24) israel apartheid regime

    25) Israel is turning cities into jails

    26) Israel has established electrified segregation fences

    27) Israel has created eye specific rubber bullets

    28) Israel creating abortion efficient infant killing tear gas


    i can go on about what the genocide that happened in Bosnia.  I can go about individual hate crimes comitted by non muslims.  

    .Arab= muslim= terror=war

    1) This masscre was supported by the U.S.government.  The U.S. has been supporting Israel for 60 years now in the ethnic cleansing of the palestinian nation


    3) Terrorists acts committed by non muslims against Catholic Schools in India.  The media never, ever uses the word terrorism when the terrorist act is comitted by non muslims. The word terrorism wasn't mentioned once.  I wonder why?


    5) Horror of U.S. depelted uranium used in iraq


    7) i can go on about hitler, stalin, the KKK, the IRA and so on.

    8) the abortion clinics that have been bombed by fundmentalist Christians.

  10. You do not want me to make a list either of how atheists are the worst of all: Hitler, Stalin, Mao!!!!  Lay off the religions.  Every group has their own brand of crazy.

  11. Rona wrote:

    "Most of the muslim land is in the hands of occupation not in the hands of its owner ,and they may consider people who want defend their land as a terrorists , for this cause also the consider the children who fight with the stones as terrorists and they kill them. "

    There are two problems in your first sentence.

    1) Some of the sticking point is what exactly you consider to be "Muslim land"? Do you apply any objective criteria to determine that?

    2) Even if we accept your premise of what exactly is considered "Muslim land", how exactly is it "most of the muslim land"? Are you trying to imply that most Muslim lands are occupied by others? Like Saudi Arabia perhaps?

    And for the record, terrorists are labeled as such because there is a specific definition of what a terrorist is and they meet that criteria. The mentality of "someone's terrorist is another's freedom fighter" is bunk.

    And for the record, Islamic terrorists use their religion as justification for what they do. That may be a perversion of Islam but if so, then such complaints would be better directed at those people instead of non Muslims who merely point it out.

    For the person who asked the question:

    Most of what you are talking about can be found on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not always accurate, thus if they have sources, I would use that and investigate from there.

  12. Peace and blessings be upon you.


    When you say ,muslims killed , muslims murdering and so on ....

    you then means Islam is what make this people do that.

    when this happen in a country and a christian killed the president ,, will we say christians killed the prisedent??? i don't think so.

    Not only muslims who do murders but any humanbeing has no ethics can do it , so terrorism has no religion.

    And what make you say that most of terrorists are muslims :is not fact.

    Most of the muslim land is in the hands of occupation not in the hands of its owner ,and they may consider people who want defend their land as a terrorists , for this cause also the consider the children who fight with the stones as terrorists and they kill them.

    Look at the terrorist attacks , did you see it only happen toward people who are not muslims? or does it happen only in un muslim countries?

    No ,,,muslims suffered from terrorism , innocent muslims also died and saw the torture and injustice.

    But when you came to Islam itself , the religion;i'll not talk ,i will left you with som verses from the book muslims follow:

    surah 8: [61] But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah: for He is the One that Heareth and Knoweth (all things).

    surah 25: [63] And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!"

    surah 16: [125] Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.

    surah 2: [190] Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

    surah 5: [8] O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.  

  13. Hitler was a Catholic and hated Lutherans as well.

  14. 14 r u kidding!! if we killed hundreds of them, they killed thousands including children and women and  elders...and this is our land in the first place.. DUH!!

    28 true :D i am egyptian. but that was not the only reason

    31 the media always sheds the light on a moslem terrorist and say " oh well here is ANOTHER moslem terrorist " but when a christian or jewish teroorist appears they just say " a terrorist did this and that " they dont even mention his religion

    i hate sterotyping about moslems...its really hurts us and the western world never cares

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