
How to view/stop devices connected through wifi?

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i have a wifi router aztech 605ew... my cousin often connect and uses my internet is there any way/software through which i might be able to stop him from accessing my router and he uses wireless lan card to connect..... thnx in adv




  1. You can access the router (as Plastic Fantastic said) and limit connections to only the devices you specify.  Specify devices by their MAC address.  All wireless routers provide this option.

  2. Routers have the option to filter by MAC address (the physical address associated with the adapter).

    You need to get your cousin's computer's MAC address.  If he has a Windows computer, open a command prompt.  (Under accessories.)  Type ipconfig /all and look for his wireless adapter.  The physical address is what you want.

    Then you need to login to your router.  (Look at your router doc.)  Look under the wireless information for a MAC filter area.  You should be able to specify his MAC address and tell the router to block it.  You could also get the MAC address when he's using your router by looking at the devices on your LAN on your router.

  3. yep - login to your router.

    try these addresses in your address/URL bar:

    one of them should work. It'll ask for your username and password, both should be "admin" by default.

    Then, go into Devices and find his in the list, and block it.

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