
How to watch a PAL VCR in the US?

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Hi all,

I have some VHS tapes which I brought from overseas and I would like to watch them but I do not have a PAL VCR. I called CircuitCity and they said they don't sell a PAL VCR...I also checked Walmart but they didn't have any.

Can someone please let me know where I can get a PAL/NTSC VCR in the US? Also that will help iof you could let me know which make/model has the best quality and actually does work with PAL tapes.

And finally, if I buy a PAL VCR, would that work with my TV and play the VHS Tape just fine or I will need to buy other stuff as well?

So, basically I would like to know how I can watch my PAL VHS tape?





  1. take your PAL encoded tapes to a store that will convert to NTSC. You will find these stores in areas that have a high Indian population.

    PAL is incompatable with NTSC. Yoou can always bring your PAL encoded TV, VCR, etc to the US. Then it will have to be certified by the FCC for spurious emissions.

  2. You're kind of in trouble-- you'd need a PAL VCR ~and~ a PAL TV.

    You can have the tapes converted (ideally to DVD to skip the whole tape thing), but that will possibly cost you more than reacquiring the tapes in a local format. Look into video transcoding services.

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