
How to wean off the pacifier ?

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my mom told me, to snip a little slit with scissors into the tip of each pacifier to wean my daughter off. do you have experience with this method? did it work?




  1. I wouldnt cut the tip. For one thing it becomes a choking hazard because it can break off into pcs. another thing is that it wont really help anything. She will either suck it and not care or she will cry as much as if she just didnt have one.

    How old is your daughter? A pacifier really isnt a big deal till kids get their permanent teeth so the goal should be to wean by the time they start loosing teeth. Most kids will be ready to give it up way before that. People think kids have to be weened by 2 and thats not true. Sucking is very soothing and relaxing for kids. The best thing to do is wean her during the day at first, slowly. give it to her less and less but dont tell her she cant have it-that will make her want it even more. just "loose it" go look for it and fine a toy or movie instead. forget to take it with you when you go somewhere.. etc. If she is tired or cannot be distracted then give it to her. when she tries to talk with it in her mouth then say "take out your paci so I can understand you, please" then take it and only give it back if she asks. once she is fine without it all day then at night start putting on soothing music and put her to bed before giving her the paci. then go look for it and take a few min. she will eventually start falling asleep without it but it may take a while. Wait till she is ready. Go by her needs.

    good luck

  2. I just hid the pacifier and told my DD that we gave it to her baby cousin.  She was fine with that.  We made it seem that she was helping her little cousin.  

    It may not work for you, but that is how we got our DD to stop taking the pacifier!

    Good Luck!!

  3. For my son to get off the pacifier I just took them all away. Giving him something in place of it helped to. Or you could try putting something that she doesn't like on the tip of it when ever she wants it. Like a food that she dislikes. That will help as well.

  4. I wouldn't cut a slit, her tongue could get caught in the crack. Usually cutting off the tip completely is better so it's a hole not a slit that can catch her tongue.

  5. yes yes yes its true, i just did this with my 3 year old and am now doing it with my 1 year old also its been two weeks he went from having it pretty much 24/7 to only haviong at bed time it still has the slit in it, just do it with your teeth this way its man made cut in it, it sure does work though

  6. She will give it up when she's ready.I wouldn't cut holes or anything else into it,as this could be dangerous.

    Both my kids had dummies (pacifiers) and they gave them up themselves by the age of 3. It's just security.

    With both my kids i waited till before an important time,such as Easter/Christmas/Birthday and told them the "dummy fairy"would leave them something special in return for their dummies. They were both old enough to understand (3ish) and it worked for me.

  7. just went through this with my pacifier ADDICTED toddler. I let him help me cut all the tips off with safety scissors of course. I left just enough that he couldn't get it in his mouth enough to suck. Then when he wanted it I gave it to him and of course he got mad. I told him you broke it. He carried it around for a couple of days but finally tired of the extra baggage that was no longer helping him out. I, too, tried cutting the small hole myself.....didn't faze him. You could hear the air while he was sucking. I mean it sound like it was going flat, but like I said not even a blink of the eye.

    Also, rubber doesn't break off into pieces!!! If it does that pacifer should have already been in the trash. And the reason this worked was because there wasn't enough there to suck on.

  8. My son absolutely loved his binky. He called it "inky"  then "B". He late giving it up about 26 months. What worked for us was out of site out of mind. He would loose them in the yard and the house. Finally we had none left and I wouldn't buy anymore. When i would stumble across one i would toss it. When he stumbled across one he would pop that baby back in his mouth. Ha ha. Finally we had no more "b;s"

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