
How to well ventilate a room... No windows? Dusty!?

by Guest56610  |  earlier

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We are turning our crawlspace into a clubhouse! Its relatively small but is FILLED with dust everywhere. We vaccumed a bit of it up. We were wondering how we could ventilate it well. There are no windows and no fans. Its a cralwspace! The room that it is attached to also has no windows. (Its the back utility room with the washer/dryer)

Suggestions to...

A) Get rid of dust & thick air feeling

B) Ventilate it well

C) Have fresh air!

Thannnks a bunch!




  1. First you should spray everything down with household spray and paper towels to really get rid of the dust.

    Then, but this involves buying something - you should really get a HEPA air filter. It's the only way to clean and freshen the air the way you want to. It will be worth the money.

  2. a fan dumbass!

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