
How to win a school admissions appeal ?

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my daughter wants to change her choice of high school , but we have been refused today, we have to fill out some forms and go to an appeal . does anyone have any suggestions of what to say at our appeal that will help us win our case. the high school we put the first time round was this college but due to no transport we opted for another college, but she hated the induction days and cries all the time about going there. we may still have a chance of winning the appeal but wondered if anyone had any suggestions of the right things to say at the appeal ..

many thanks for any advice . im sure their are many parents going through the same as us at the moment >




  1. if transport was the reason you changed from your first choice, highlight how this problem has been overcome.

    as for the child 'hating' the induction days, this was probably nerves due to the new environment, and may re-occur at the second school. talk to her to allay any fears she may have about going to school.  it can be harder for her to start late and blend in with the rest of her class.

    new/different isn't always better, its how she takes opportunities and what she makes of them. tell her that with less travel time to school it means longer in bed, more time after school with her friends.

    the reason it may be difficult to change choices is that your child will recieve the same level of professionalism from her teachers whatever school she attends, and they will help her and monitor how well she settles in.

    good luck

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