
How to win back my friend?

by Guest58755  |  earlier

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We have some misunderstandings? What should I do?

OMG!!!! It's all my fault and I don't know what to do.




  1. Nothing, go see your friend and bring him an apple, or

    a CD.

  2. Just tell em Your so sorry.

    Maybe he/she can forgive you.

    Youre friends you know.

  3. just tell your friend how you feel about it and always be yourself

    if you can't be yourself you don't have a friend

  4. go talk to her and tell her that it was your fault for whatever happened and make sure you explain why it was your fault so she wont think your just saying that to be friends. apologize to her.

  5. just don't send emails!!!  speak to the person.  

  6. Try and explain...making sure if they speak you give them chance to listen to them ye, then just carry on apologising

  7. Try to call her and meet up and talk to your friend. After you said what you got its up to her to forgive you or not.Depends how bad you hurt her. try to  fix the misunderstanding and if she is your real friend she'll understand  

  8. Since I have no bloody idea what you are talking about I'll be general.

    If you think it's your fault, apologize and tell your friend that you understand they are mad, but you didn't mean to hurt them (or whatever you did) and you'd like to prove to them that you are sorry.  Say that you know actions speak louder than words and if they give you the chance to prove yourself, they would know how sorry you were.  "I know it will take time, but please, give me enough of a chance to at least prove to you that I've learned from my mistakes and I am truly sorry."  If that doesn't work, give them time to cool off.  Sometimes it just takes time.

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