
How to win the game: Cover the Spot?

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Is there like a pattern or a cheat to this?




  1. no cheats. A good eye and a good hand...

  2. excuse me...i am an independant concessionaire (carnie)  and believe me..WE HAVE LIVES!  we work hard in all kinds of weather and we work extremely long hours.  no one should ever accuse us of having too much free time on our hands.

    as to ur question about the cover the spot game...i own one...the key to winning the game is to get the discs evenly spaced and not overlapping too much.  keep practicing!

  3. there isnt really a cheat to this game, it's just a very percise pattern, but the carnies have no lives so they can do it everytime so it looks easy.

    this is what it looks like when it is completed -

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