
How to woo my wife of 16years more?

by  |  earlier

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no kids nogrand kids and we are just great about it we just one of those couples who never wanted kids period ever.........




  1. Keep in shape & style, be interested in some of the things she is really interested in, ask for her opinion on varied things, respect her, remember birthday & anniversary, after a shower walk around in trunks and use Viagra (If necessary for a while).

  2. Do you have any weight to loose or muscles to tone?  If you started now, you could look like s**y mamajama to her by spring.  After you loose and tone, wax all the weird places that hair has started to grow- even on top of your ears, above your tailbone and on the instep of your feet and shoulders.  Clip your nose hair.  Trim your pubic hair and secretly practice a naughty dance routine that you can surprise her with.  Write your feelings for her in a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.  Surprise her with a weekend getaway.  Post something sweet for her on YouTube.  Dress like her and mimic her- make it hilarious- then toward the end, talk (in her voice still) about how "your" husband still loves "you" sooo much.  Give her a bath.  Ask her if she'll teach you how to do her hair.  Put on a long coat and nothing else.  Sneak out the backdoor and ring the bell in the front door.  When she answers, flash her.  Climb in a tree with a bunch of flower pedals and shower her with them when she walks by- don't just make a trail of them leading to the bed; all men do that boring stuff.  Write something sweet on your bum and moon her.  Make out in the car.  Take on some of her responsibility.  Relieve some of her stress.  Good luck.  I hope one day to have a husband who still wants to woo me after 16 years.

  3. give her    Surprise a real ,change,  this  is what women truly desire,

    some say    the desire for excitement is waiting to get tweaked.

    I would suggest you think outside the box,

    how about setting up a secret special  pamper day  for her  4  to 5 hours hours of absolute heaven?

    what would she think of a limo   for you and  her.

    And how about,

    she must wear a mask so she cannot see where  you are  going, the driver takes  you both to a fine restaurant.

    making reservations at one of the finest t restaurants  in town or a nearby retreat, she will of course wear her little black dress, and you wear your best  Armani with a rose in the lapel. of course  you get her a corsage when she comes home she will be greeted  by you, then you and her are off to the feast.

    (I have in mind the dinner  scene in the old Movie Tom Jones.)

      any of this makes sense?,  

    You asked for it,

    something in between what  we members of this page will have  suggested ,

    and what your going to do,   i am sure, that anything  you chose  will be OK  with her.,

    most women would be satisfied  with a considerate and thoughtful  husband

  4. I think that's great!  You should take her on a trip out of the country - someplace romantic like Italy.

  5. How lucky !!

    And it is great not to feel obligated or pressured to follow societal standards and just be happy. Great !!

    Since you have been maried for some time, you shd by now know her desires, her favourites, etc.

    Think what she wd really like if she had a day off or a weekend free. What wd excite her most ?

    Then do that for her. Remember it is not YOUR favourite but ONLY HERS !!


  6. Good for you, but then WHAT is your question about?

    Please be more specific!

  7. why don't you give her a day off?  either cook dinner or buy something if you don't cook...make it all sweet with candles and all that...then do the dishes.  you'd be surprised how much she would like to have an evening off...don't let her do any of her "chores"!  good luck!

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