
How to word a Get Well Soon / condolence card?

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I want to send a card to someone who works above me.

He has a serious form of cancer, so I'm not sure if 'Get Well Soon' is even appropriate? Is 'I'm sorry to hear you're unwell' a good thing to say?

Maybe 'i hope you feel better soon'?

I'm not sure, I'd really appreciate ideas and suggestions.

Also I'm not sure they know who I am, so it can't be too personal or over familiar




  1. These kinds of cards can be tricky eh?  If you know that this person has a sense of humor, then you you should definitely write or buy a card that is respectful to the reality of the condition, but also hilarious. My dad died from colon cancer and from that experience I've learned that a person who is terminally ill or just simply really really sick will get WAY too many sad or sappy cards. I cheery card can be a breath of fresh air!      But if you're not sure if he has a good sense of humor or maybe he hasn't been able to wrap his head around what he's facing then sticking to a traditional card is best. If the cancer is really serious a get well card is a nice gesture but I'm sure this guy knows that it simply might not going to happen..    Maybe getting a card that says something about taking each day one step at a time, staying positive, that he has tons of support or finding triumphs or peace in hard times... something like that.  It could be kind of unrealistic to say get well. condolence? send that card to his family if he dies.  But seriously, if you learn that he does know who you are and this next suggestion isn't too awkward, there's nothing better to give a sick person (no matter how sick) than a cooked meal. nothing.  

  2. Condolences are usually written or said to someone who has lost a close individual to death. If you know the person who is ill is a Christian. you might write a note like, "I`m sorry to hear you are not well, I hope you feel better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a brighter tomorrow." If the person is an Atheist, then just close with, Wishing you a brighter tomorrow.

  3. "Don't get well soon.....

    ..get well NOW"


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