
How to work a bubble stone ?

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how do you work a bubble stone i have a small fish tank with 3 goldfish and bought a bubble stone but what else do i need to work it ?




  1.          You'll need an air pump that fits your aquarium size, airline tubing (I recommend clear silicone), and preferably a check valve, which keeps the water from backing up into the air pump during a blackout. If you end up getting more than one airstone, then you'll also have to get an air diverter, which will divide the air flow to two or more airstones. All of this stuff is pretty cheap.

  2. You need an air pump.

    I love the Whisper models.

    They sit off of the surface of whatever you have them on so they don't vibrate and make a bunch of noise.

    When you get that, it plugs in and you hook up an airline tube [sold in pet stores and walmarts everywhere] and there is a spot on the air stone that you attach the other end of the tube to.


  3. You need airline tubing and a pump.   You also need a 40 gallon tank for 3 goldfish to live a healthy life.


  4. You would need an air pump, some tube and a non-return valve.

  5. Hi,

    You need an airpump and some airline.

  6. Connect it to an air-line from your pump an put it at the back of your tank

  7. so simple... air pump and rubber piping. put it all together and put the stone under the gravel then your away. little tip though, i found it handy to get little suction pads for the pipes. it makes it look a lot neater.  

  8. You need and air pump and plastic tubing..................Hook them all together. Put the bubble stone under the gravel and plug in the pump.


  9. Easy peasy stuff. Here's what you'll need;

    - An airstone (which you've got)

    - Some air line (thin plastic tubing)

    - An air pump (a simple small appliance that pumps air)

    - OPTIONAL A one-way valve

    Ok... Let's run through how to get it started

    1. Connect your air pump to a mains socket.

    2. Poke your air line, with one end into the air pump

    3. Poke the other end into your air stone

    4. Dunk the air stone into your aquarium and turn the pump ON.

    TIP: I'm a professional goldfish breeder, and here's a valuable tip: DON'T WORRY ABOUT GETTING EXPENSIVE AIR PUMPS, A BASIC ONE LASTS JUST AS LONG, AND GIVES OUT ADEQUATE AIR!

    Best of luck  

  10. You need air-line tube and an air pump.

    The air-line tube conects to the bubble stone and the pump.

  11. you will need air pump and piping, ask the pet store which is best for you and quietest.

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