
How to work out babys age?

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my baby was born on 19th jan 2008, when is he classed as being 7 months old.

I used to count 4 weeks as 1 month but ive noticed health visitors and doctors dont work it out like that.




  1. He is 7 months on the 19 august.

    when the baby is for example 4 weeks. Its not necessarily a month so the count as weeks but once they are passed about 12 weeks they normally say it as months

  2. Nope, she will be 7 months old tomorrow....its always the 19th of each month that she will be another months older.

  3. August  19th thats 7 months from his birthday

  4. 4 weeks isn't quite a month.

    52 weeks = 12 months

    52/12 = 4.3333 weeks per month, maybe that is your difference

  5. I know, it is confusing.  I usually work it out by going by the date my baby was born.  So, he was born 20th July 2007, so on 20th August this year, he will be 13 months.  I started counting by weeks but I just lost count!!  Months are so much easier to keep track of!!  

  6. the 19th of every month he will be an xtra month old so 19th august (tomorrow) he will b daughter was born on 29th feb 2008 (leap yr) and so will b 6months on 29th august!! obv wen it coems 2 feb there isn't goin to b a 29th until 2012 so we will have the 28th as her bday as she was born early morn on 29th :D

  7. Your baby is 7 months old.

    19th Jan was 7 months ago.

    After 26 weeks you tend to count babies ages in months.  These are calendar months.  On your baby's first birthday would you have said she was 13 months old?

  8. 19th of jan to the 19th of feb =  1 month

    19th of feb to the 19th of mar = 2months

    and so forth

  9. Every 19th of the month, he gets a month older.

    So, February 19th, he was 1 month old.

    March 19th he was 2 months

    April 19th 3 months

    And so on...

    So now he is 7 months old tomorrow.

    Simple. :)

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