
How to work out petrol?

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does anyone know how to work this out?

i have to travel 63 km 5 days a week in a 4 cylinder car does anyone know a ruff amount of how much it will cost in petrol




  1. number of cylinders is no guide to petrol consumption.Cubic capacity is more relevant.As a rough estimate 15km per litre of fuel , that`s about 21.0 lt week.You have`nt told us what petrol costs where you are but in UK it`s £1.10 lt, so roughley £23 a week

  2. Assuming you are in Australia and getting 10L per 100kms at $1.45 a Litre it will cost you $9.14 per day, or $45.68 per week. (Always depending which day of the price cycle you buy it.)

    63 kms is 6.3 Litres. $1.45 x 6.3 = $9.135

    $9.135 x 5 = $45.68c

    NOTE. It is Litre NOT liter. A liter does not exist!

  3. Find out what your average kilometer per liter rating is and you can divide the 315(63 x 5) by your Km/L and multiply that by the cost of a liter or fuel

  4. 62K is round Trip? 63X5=315K Per-Week, Divide 315 by the KM you get Per-Liter, Answer times the Cost Per-Liter.

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