
How to write a 500 word story???

by Guest45491  |  earlier

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i am used to writing long stories, and i attempted to write a 500 word story, but it ended up too long... when i took out some details, it didn't make sense....HELP!




  1. One reason why I think it's hard to write short stories (I don't even try!) is that we as a culture seem to value the "Great American Novel" and not so much the "Great American Short Story," much less the "Great American 500-Word Essay." Because of this, we aren't really taught many short stories in high school or beyond other than the occasional "Rose for Emily" or anything by Poe, which are all longer than 500 words! The key, I think, to writing something well is to be able to read authors who have written well in the form you're trying to imitate, more or less. One website I often read is called "Brevity" and it showcases pieces of creative nonfiction (which could be called fiction by some people). The rules are that you cannot write an essay or story more than 750 words long. This website has a number of "famous" authors contributing to it, so you can read through and see how they do it. What do they focus on? How do they structure their pieces? What do they leave out that you would normally include in a story, and why? For example, here is a piece from their site:

    The Way Fire Talks to Wood

    By Christine Boyka Kluge

    In front of me in line, a man hisses at a woman. I can't distinguish all of the words, but the words don't matter; his voice crackles and stings. He talks to her the way fire talks to wood.

    She stands perfectly still, unflinching. She makes no eye contact, but I see her head sink lower between her shoulders. I feel her heart constrict. I picture Queen Anne's lace in November, a singed claw still defiant at the edge of the road. A frail fist clenched in the hard place between sun and frost. Silence. Her hand flutters to her throat. Her eyes are red-rimmed coals. This is the way wood answers fire.

    When he turns and catches me staring, he shrugs, offering me a closed-mouth smile and a wink. He dramatically wraps both arms around her neck, pulls her close. Repelled, I'm still relieved by his abrupt playfulness. Then I realize that he's holding her exactly the way lightning embraces a sapling, enfolding leafless limbs in its crooked gold arms. Hollowing a scorched place at its core.

    It's short. It uses description, and it doesn't get bogged down in too many details. You don't need to know who the narrator is or what the background to the story is. You don't need to know what they are waiting around for. The important thing is the interaction between this man and woman. There are many, many more stories on this website. Check it out and see if it "inspires" you to write a 500-word masterpiece. :)

  2. Think of it as a lesson in conciseness; it's good practise to write short stories, because it teaches you to be sparing with your words and to write your best in as few a words as possible.

    It's also good at helping your practise including imagery, because you simply need to find very concise and perfect ways to describe something you'd usually describe in many sentences.

    It helps you learn not to fill your longer writings with things that don't add to it in any way too.

  3. Keep your story simple, but suspensful.

    Use a thesaraus and try to reduce words.

    For example, if you were to say:

    "The fox had a bold, red tail" Instead you could say:

    "The fox had a fiery tail"

    Or something like that. :)

    Help me?

  4. everybody has their own imagineation so you think up a story than put it in your own words but in long words for examble think of a very long story and then write it down it is very simple  

  5. Keep it as simple as you can.

  6. keep it simple

  7. Start with a writing idea, problem.

    The story opens with a problem.

    Stick to solving that problem.

    There isn't space for anything

    but what moves the plot

    (problem) along.

    You have the beginning, middle,

    and an satisfying ending.  When

    the plot is solved, the story ends.

  8. ...any topic? Think minimalist, try practicing, sit down and write 500 words on how the color Red makes you feel, Then 500 words on what Grass means to you, then 500 words on Toast, 500 words on a Worm Crawling Across a Hot Sidewalk...anything, you'll find it easier each time.

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