
How to write a book?

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I'm starting a book and I just cant seem to figure out what I want to write about or how to even get started.




  1. First step is to figure what you want to write about.  The easiest stuff to write about is the stuff that you know and/or have interest in.  It's also easier to write in genre that you read, so if you like to read thrillers you're going to have an easier time writing a thriller than say a western.

    Once you figure out what you want to write about it's easier if you break it down into smaller parts, because the whole project can be a little overwhelming.  Figure out who your main characters and then sit down and write about your characters.  How old are they, what are they're interests, where do they live, etc.  When you're writing you have to paint a picture with your words so that the reader gets to know your characters.  I would do this with all the major players in the story and at a brief sketch of the minor characters.  Not all of the info in these will end up in your story, but it will help you get to know them.  And the better you know them the better you'll be able to write them.

    After you've done that sit down a write a detailed description of each of the major settings in the book.  Again this is so that the reader has a better idea of where the story is taking place.

    The easiest way to do this is to describe the person/place as if you're there and you're trying to describe it to someone on the phone so they can visualize.

    Once you've got that done write out an outline.  When I started on my novel it was really overwhelming and it took several trys over several years before I was finally able to sit down at write it.  I wanted to outline the whole book but that's was to difficult.  So instead I wrote out a outline one chapter at a time and started from there.  Truth is I didn't know where the story was going until it was time to write the next part.  

    It's had a lot of revisions since then, and still needs a lot of work before it's ready to submit for publication.  I'll be honest, it's the revisions that make the story better, but first you've got to get the words on the page.  In other words don't worry about making it perfect the first time out because nobody does.  And you'll probably go through more revisions than you'll imagine, but with each revision it will get a little better and then one day you'll know it's ready.  

    Long answer I know, but I hope it helps.

  2. Sketch the details of your main potential characters start with looks, mannerisms, background, etc. Write the details down - or even draw them if you are a visual person.

    Then take your main character or characters and imagine them in some new odd/out of the ordinary (out of your current work's context) places or scenarios – anything goes! Write down ideas on what would have to happen to your type of character or how they would react to the scenario you placed them in.

    This may seem futile, but it will help you flesh out your characters further and give you insight into what you may want to happen to this type of character in a potential story. You may even come up with multiple story lines and can see if one of them just seems to be the best or easiest to continue

    Strong well-crafted main characters can inspire readers to love your story as well as drive you to write a great story for these imagined beings to be in! :-)

    This should get you going. Then you may want to write an outline of you story (a kind of synopsis).


    I have heard that John Irving writes his endings first, down to the last line, and works backwards. The idea of the outline is to give you goals as you proceed. Writing the ending first may give you the "spark" you now need.

  3. Uhm as for subject...I like to read teh weird news for ideas or the paper in general...or reading books you like

  4. another respondent took this seriously and even some advice – but I’d say excuse me, why bother at all? – you say you don’t know what you want to write about, how to get started etc.! – so if you seemingly don’t have the basic aptitude, why not forget the whole thing. writers have an innate ability to get going & write a story – like others have talent for singing or other forms of Art… One can say, they’re born not made –

    so why not try something else – there’s a 1000 other hobbies or occupations – how about [a few posts before you] becoming a Cat Herder?

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