
How to write a leave letter to boss telling him that my wife is going have her baby any time?

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Wife is pregnant and going to have baby next week




  1. If you don't have a very nice boss then you won't necessarily receive paternity pay and may need to use your own holidays instead.

    Officially you need to book paternity leave in advance and they can refuse payment if you didn't inform them in time.

  2. To Charlie Smith

    I am writing to inform you of my intention to take X week/s paternity leave as of X Date 2008, due to my wife having our baby. I intend to return on X Date 2008.

    Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

    Kind Regards

    Bob Pope

    Short, sweet and to the point. Remember to be specific about dates so that everyone is clear as to when you will leave and return again. If you are unsure as to exactly when you need to leave (because you never exactly know when labour will happen), then write something to this effect....

    Due to my wife expecting our first child on X Date, I intend to take X week/s paternity leave immediately following the birth. I will endevour to inform you immediately as to when I will be ceasing work, but due to not knowing exactly when she will go into labour I am unable to give you an exact date at this time.

    Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

    hope that helps

  3. You are entitled to two weeks paternity leave paid at £117, your boss can claim this back from the government.  You are also entitled to 13 weeks unpaid if you choose to take it.  Simply write a polite but firm letter stating that you wish to commence leave on your chosen date.  He is not allowed to sack you, he must allow you to take it.  If you haven't told him your wife is pregnant, just be polite and apologetic and give reasons for your being discreet.

  4. Your boss should have been informed months ago that you're going to have a baby and that you'd be needing time off to help your wife. This is something that needs to be done face-to-face and not in a a letter.

  5. To (boss name)

    MR. boss

    my wife is getting a new baby and i would like to have a holiday to help her because she needs me for help.

    (your name)

  6. as soon as u know that ur wife is pregnant, u should inform ur boss the she is pregnant then u will file a paternity notification wherein it is indicated there the expected date of delivery of ur wife. but since u did not made any notification, just make a simple letter indicating that u will use ur paternity leave on this pretty sure that ur boss will understand it.

    goodluck and congratulations in advance..

  7. Just ask your boss and explain

    Surely, if he/she has any compassion they won't stop you having time off for this.  If he/she dismisses you for taking the time off, which I'd do regardless of what is said, sue for discrimination.

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