
How to write a resume when you've had one job for 5 years

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I am wondering what would be the best way to formulate a resume when you have had the same job since you were 18, and are now 24. My boyfriend has been working for the same company with his journeyman’s license, (he is an electrician) and is now looking to find another job in the same field but with less travel. (His schedule is in town for two weeks and gone for two weeks, repeat over and over). My dad does job placements for this kind of work and is willing to help him find some where else to work, but he is asking my boyfriend to send him a resume, basic procedure one would assume. However, my boyfriend told me last night that he doesn’t have a resume since he has been at this job since he was 18, and has now been there for 5 1/2 years, and that pretty much every other job he worked, before he was 18, would be irrelevant to any other job he is applying for in this field.

So I was wondering if any business professionals have any ideas as to how to compose a resume centering on this one job, or if that would even be the appropriate way to write it.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your time!





  1. List his accomplishments at the one job. A standard resume has a list of jobs and accomplishments for that job (not duties mind you, but accomplishments). Since he has had only the one job, list all of the accomplishments and then all of his training. It can be only one page long.

  2. The best approach is to bullet point your key learnings and accomplishments underneith your work history listing.

    For example:

    •Responsible for website design & maintenance, finances, marketing, etc.

    •Created advertising network that spanned over 40 websites to help generate additional website traffic at no cost, which resulted in website traffic increasing from 300,000 visitors/month to 1,000,000 visitors/month in a 6-month period of time.

    •Managed relationships with advertising network partners, customers, advertisers, etc.

    •Experience with CPM/CPC advertising (Google, Yahoo, MSN).

    •Knowledge of HTML/CSS and basic website design techniques.

    •Managed daily newsletters with over 100,000 total subscribers.

    This will show what you were able to learn and help display your key characteristics that apply to the desired position.

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