
How to write a s**y letter in French?

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I want to write a s**y love letter to my boyfriend for our anniversary in French, is there anyone who knows fluent French that could help me out?

You must be open to me asking you what any word may be in French, without feeling shy or awkward. So, if you can help me please e-mail me at

And, if not then my original question is does anyone know of any websites that can help me translate English into French correctly?

I want it to be authentic sentence structure and everything.





  1. learn french and write it down on some paper.

  2. First you learn French. Then you write it yourself. Otherwise you will be at the mercy of whatever mischievous answerer or absurd online translator you may use. This time, best just to write it in English. Then you will know exactly what it says and means, and you can fine-tune it to the relationship you have with him instead of trusting a stranger or a machine to do it for you.

  3. Of course, you should go with one of the most well loved love letters in all of France; that would be the love letter Marius wrote Cosette before he even knew her name!  It’s from Les Miserables.  To give some background, Marius saw her in the park one day and for a month would walk by her without saying anything he was so struck by her beauty.  Sadly, she moved away, but he did everything he could to find out where she moved to.  He delivered an anonymous letter and after she reads it, they finally meet.  Here are parts of the letter and their first reunion:

    La réduction de l'univers à un seul être, la dilatation d'un seul être jusqu'à Dieu, voilà l'amour. The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being even to God, this is love.

    Il suffît d'un sourire entrevu là-bas de toi pour que mon âme entre dans le palais des rêves.  One glimpse of a smile from you is enough for my soul to enter into the palace of dreams.

    L'amour, c'est la salutation des anges aux astres.  Love is the salutation of the angel to the stars.

    Comme l'âme est triste quand elle est triste par l'amour!  How sad is the soul when it is sad from love ?

    De certaines pensées sont des prières. Il y a des moments où, quelle que soit l'attitude du corps, l'âme est à genoux.  Certain thoughts are prayers.  There are moments when, whatever the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.

    J'ai rencontré dans la rue un jeune homme très pauvre qui aimait. Son chapeau était vieux, son habit était usé; il avait les coudes troués; l'eau passait à travers ses souliers et les astres à travers son âme.  I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love.  His hat was old, his coat was threadbare—there were holes at his elbows; the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul.

    From their first meeting in the garden:

    Tous deux tressaillirent, et ils se regardèrent dans l'ombre avec des yeux éclatants.  Both trembled, and they looked at each other in the darkness with brilliant eyes.

    Ils s'étaient pris les mains, sans savoir.  They had clasped hands, without knowing it.

    Cela lui paraissait si simple qu'il fût là.  It seemed so natural to her that he should be there.

    De temps en temps le genou de Marius touchait le genou de Cosette, et tous deux frémissaient.  From time to time Marius’ knee touched Cosette’s knee, which gave them both a thrill.

    Peu à peu ils se parlèrent. La nuit était sereine et splendide au-dessus de leur tête. Ces deux êtres, se dirent tout, leurs songes, leurs ivresses, leurs extases, leurs chimères, leurs défaillances, comme ils s'étaient adorés de loin, comme ils s'étaient souhaités, leur désespoir, quand ils avaient cessé de s'apercevoir.  Gradually they began to talk.  The night was serene and splendid above their heads.  These two beings told each other all their dreams, their frenzies, their ecstasies, their chimeras, their despondencies, how they had adored each other from afar, how they had longed for each other, their despair when they had ceased to see each other.

    Quand ils eurent fini, quand ils se furent tout dit, elle posa sa tête sur son épaule et lui demanda:        When they had finished, when they had told each other everything, she laid her head upon his shoulder, and asked him

    —Comment vous appelez-vous?     What is your name ?

    —Je m'appelle Marius, dit-il. Et vous?      My name is Marius, he said.  And yours?

    —Je m'appelle Cosette.     My name is Cosette.

    Of course, this is all very watered down from the original, you can read it yourself if you want the rest.  of course, the best advice is to write your own in french.. but that would be a problem is you don't speak french!  So use the above instead.  Besides, I guarantee Victor Hugo writes more beautifully than 99.9% of anyone else who might speak french.  Anyway, not sure Why i spent all this time writing, but I hope it helps.  p.s. i speak french fluently so i know that translations are correct, if you want anything more feel free to message me.

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