
How to write about education when i dropped out of college?

by  |  earlier

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basically just doing up a cv for a new job, and was wondering what do i put in education in term of college, i have my secondary school , subject undertaken, and grads received, however i got a place in college and at the end of my second year i had a family death... i never got my qualifications... what do i put in... maybe just the college name and subjects undertaken with no grades?

thanks xx




  1. You should be honest about what you did and didn't do. But do be careful not to make it look as if nothing is ever your fault and you always have an excuse - because that's not a desirable characteristic in an employee.

    It's definitely a good idea to put something - unexplained gaps in the dates on a CV are very offputting to an employer.

  2. Personally, I would just put a short paragraph saying 'I attended 'blah blah' college from 'whatever year to whatever year' (or months if it was that short).  During my time in education at 'whatever college' I learned many skills such as time management, research skills etc....and list lots of skills and traits that will aid you in the world of work, so it shows that going to college helped you even though you came out with no qualifications.

  3. I always say what college what my major was and that I did not get degree.

  4. You can either put what you studied or leave it and just tell the people at the interview. Normally if it doesn't have grades you shouldn't really put it down. I had a similar situation, where i studied a levels, but only done first year, therefore i only received AS levels, so i wrote just that and when i had an interview i explained the situation!

    At the end of the day its not as if you are lying, and companies are quite understanding about things like that.

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