
How to write poems?

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I love poems but have never quite been very good at writing them myself. Anyone have any suggestions?




  1. pick a good topic (doesnt matter what)

    use personaifcation

    maybe read some poems and gather ideas from it

    make it rhyme or not

    use color,touch,smell,ect

    but most of all have fun with it!!

  2. It must come from the heart.

    It must contain a vivid imagination.

    It must have a melody, it doesn't have to rhyme all the time.

    Your words must be correct, spelling correct, or else it will ruined a master piece. You can write in many different style, because you will have different audiences. You can't please them all.

  3. Never write a poem that has no root in your heart. Let the things that matter most be the seed of everything you do.

    As for rhythm and rhyme? That comes last. The content is more important. I suggest reading books to influence your vocabulary. And also, read poetry of course.

    There's no need to copy the greats, but if you simply read more, you'll get better with you style and word choice. Just remember, the heart matters most.

  4. this is how it was told to me...plant your backside in a chair and ten years later you will be a other peoples poems,dont feel like your copying them,eventually your uniqueness will show!

  5. I think writing a good poem is of equal difficulty as painting a beautiful picture or writing a novel. Problem is people find it much easier to put together few words and call it a work of art. I believe that you need to first read a lot of poetry. Choose your fav. writer and get to know their style. Than take it from there. Do not worry too much about specifics like rhyming, meter, forms, techniques etc... That will come later. Start of raw and free and slowly focus developing your own voice.

  6. Writing a Poem

    You need to decide on some things

    what your poem is going to be about

    Its a good idea to write a list or some short sentences

    For example your favorite time of the year

    ( season )

    poems can or don't have to rhyme.

    keep experimenting with the right wording

  7. No matter what, everyone on here will be silently telling you to write like them. I would say, read the poets I love and write like them, because that's what I do.

    You gotta find your own voice, your own style of writing that sounds like the perfect you. The best definition of "voice" I know of is "the idealized presentation of the historical author." Look at yourself--listen to yourself and ask "what is the idealized presentation of me?"
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