
How to write the number "5"?

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What is the correct way of writing the number "5". Is it a 2 motion movement (draw the bottom half first and then draw the top line) or is it a 1 motion movement starting from the top moving downwards




  1. to write the number five i usual ask my five year old son. he is in kidnergarten...jeez

  2. There is no "correct" method to draw the number.  You can start at the top, or leave the top stroke for last.  Either way, it won't matter in the least.  What does matter is whether or not it can be clearly read.  I start at the top and use one continuous motion.

  3. I use one movement, it's fastest.

  4. note

    I use three m ovements

    I draw the semi circle on the bottom first

    then I draw the horizontal line

    then I draw the vertical line to connect the two  

  5. i draw the line going down, than the half circle and than go back to add the line at the top at the end.

  6. It doesn't matter all that much, but in my opinion it's probably better to make it using two motions, drawing the "flag" on top last.

    For one, making the top of the "5" last leaves you at the top right of the 5, so you're ready to write the next number without moving your pen too much. (The way I write numbers, all numbers start at the top.)

    Also, if you make the "5" in one stroke, you have two make two abrupt turns in it, which is marginally harder to do.

    Again, probably not a very big deal.

  7. The easiest way is to press the button between the "4" and the "6".

    You can also write it by an F, then an I, then a V, and finally an E, but this is only valid in English.

    Or, you could make a diagonal line going from top left to bottom right, and then another diagonal line going from bottom left to top right, and do it in such a way that the bottoms touch.  You'll get V.  Romans will know what you mean.

    And then there are the Chinese pictograms, which I don't know how to make on this computer, but that's more complex than the above examples.

    Which way do you prefer?

  8. Either way as long as it looks right.

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