
How to you actually USE card counting in blackjack?

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i understand how to card count, but i dont know how it used. if the running count is +2, what does this mean? how will this help? how does the running count help? how is it used? thanks!!




  1. Card Counting is illegal and is widely frowned upon

  2. the running count indicates the amount of high versus low cards in the deck.

    if the count is low, this means that there are more cards above ten that still have yet to be played.

    because the dealer has to continue to deal to himself if he has a count of 17 or lower, then when the count is low, it is a good time for the player to continue.

    if the dealer has a few cards already delt to himself, then the chances of him going bust go up exponentially when the cards in the deck are higher.

    does this make sense?

    if, at this point in the game, the count was higher, it would be a good time to bail because then the dealer has a a better chance of dealing himself a low card which will prevent his count from exceeding 21.

    a.) card counting is not illegal. as long as you are not using any extra tools, no one can set a law against you using your brain

    b.) keep in mind, that contrary to implication in movies, even the expert card counters give themselves a maximum of a 3% advantage over what they would have had otherwise. you will not win every hand.

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