My 5 year old didn't have this problem. She was easy to convert to table foods by 3 years old. My 2 year old will turn 3 on June 29th. She will eat some table foods like yogart, pudding, green bean casserol, stove top stuffing, things like that. She used to eat nutter butters but stopped after 2 months. Even if I made sure she didn't have them every day so she didn't get tired of it. She is going into daycare in August and they only use table foods for 2-3 year olds. My 5 year old starts K5 an I'm not worried about her. My 2 year old will only eat cherrios if I feed them to her by hand or they will wind up on the floor (like half of every thing else). I'm thinking I will have to just keep putting food infront of her that they will eat at the daycare and if she's hungry hopefully she'll eat it. Any suggestions? I've done the whole put it infront of them 15 or so times. Sometimes she will eventually eat it sometimes not. Suggestions will be appreciated to make this transition easier.