
How to you help a seven year old boy with low self esteem?

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My son was held back in kindergarden last year, and this year he is being really hard on himself. He realizes that he is older than the other kids, and he tells me things like "There is something wrong with me because I am not smart.", and "Part of my brain must be missing because I have a hard time learning." It truly breaks my heart. We are having him evaluated on the 18th (after waiting almost a year for an appointment!!), and I hope to get him in some sort of therapy. It is really hard to pinpoint what is going on with him. His teacher claims he will not focus most of the times and seems like he is in a daze. I am terrified they are going to diagnose him as ADD because of this although we both agree with think it is something else ( learning disability). His behavior is excellent, but she has noticed his low self esteem also. Ironically, he is in the top of his class at the moment, but this doesn't seem to help his attitude. What can I do to help him?




  1. maybe getting him involved in a sport or other activity once a week would help.  something he wants to do and that would make him proud... and art class, music lesson, swim lessons, cub scouts.... ask him!

  2. he is probably in a daze because he is bored he learned most of this stuff last year that is why he is in the top of his class he does need an after school activity to look foreword to and to have to talk about at school.make sure he is getting a good breakfast every morning and always brag and point out his good points.

  3. ADD is very easy to controll, I had problems w/ it when i was younger and I just took a pill w/ breakfast and I was fine, i think  i took aderal. Make learning fun, play tons of games like take him to the zoo and have a scavenger hunt find this, count the lions. work on basic skills, flash cards and the like did not work with me they bored me out of my wits. As for a learning disability see what they say. Maybe he could go to math/ reading lab. Also find something he excells w/ either acedemic or other and let him show off. Myabey he could boost up a level like nstead of journal time he could read w/ a para or something because he is doing so well, thats what i did. Hope i helped

  4. I need to edit my answer here. I'm sorry, when I first answered I didn't realize that you did not mention if you are getting testing thru the school or with a doctor.

    If it is thru the school, my message below applies. If it is NOT thru the school, I just wanted you to know that schools do NOT have to help a child with any problems unless the chidl is in special ed.  And they have to do their own evaluation to determine if a child is eligible for special ed.


    He has low self esteem because he is not getting the proper type of help for his problems at school.

    Schools do not have to provide special help unless a child is in special ed.

    Speaking of him being at the 'top of his class'. This might not apply to him, but children CAN be gifted AND learning disabled at the same time. This is called 'twice exceptional'.

    Schools can not test for ADD. It is against the law for them to suggest medications for this.

    Are you having him evaluated to see if he can qualify for special ed?

    If so, go to to learn about the special ed laws.

    Schools are to complete these type of evaluations within 60 DAYS, not ONE YEAR when a parent requests it.

    So right there shows the school is not being honest, so you will need some help in learning the special ed process to get help for him.

    If you would like me to help please email

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