
How to you start doing push-ups when you're very out of shape?

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I've never been athletic, but now I want to get in shape.




  1. Get down on the floor and do as many push ups as you can.  If you can only do one that's ok.  Tomorrow do as many as you can.  If you only did one on day one, try to do two on day two.  Just keep doing as many as you can every day and you will see great improvement quickly.  

  2. I agree with the answer before.  Start by doing push ups on your knees, then work up to full push ups.  You should be able to start with about 5 or so.  Stretch afterward.  Try 5 in the morning, then 5 at night.  Start increasing slowly, and before you know it, you'll be doing 50!  Push ups are great for toning the arms.  Dips are good too.  

    I've done the Power 90 (Tony Horton) DVDs and it's helped tone my arms a lot, more than they ever have been.  You could probably get them inexpensively on Ebay or Amazon if you are interested.  The DVD's cover cardio, abs and weights.  But the weights are just hand weights (I use 5 lb).  There's a 1-2 (beginners) and a (3-4) intermediate, in the same DVD case so you can start slow and advance.

    Good luck.  Here's a link to my blog, which shows what I do to work out.  Here's another blog to make exercise a little more fun:

  3. In stead of doing a full push up start with just putting your knees on the ground and doing them that way until you get strong enough.

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