
How to you stay happy in this world?

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How do you stay happy in this world where there is so much suffering?

Sometime I feel guilty being happy.




  1. im still in high school so my view probably isn't very valid but here goes nothing.

    iv noticed even now my friends are becoming worried and stressed, sad and looking at there bad points. a wile ago i started to. but think about it. you can spend your whole life making money, looking for love, looking cool or being a star, But are these people happy?

    when i finish school in going to be free. because this is what makes me happy.

    also i listen and help every one i can (if there nice. if there not in still nice to them but no sympathy)

    if you wont to be happy wile being happy then help other people out and stay happy because it contagious so give it to other people.

  2. You don't look for lasting or permanent happiness. You settle for happy moments, because that's all there is.

  3. Recognize that it is not your duty to correct all of the problems in the world - just do your part.

    Lose the guilt - you didn't cause most of these problems and, as long as you're helping resolve some of them, you're doing the right thing.

    Study history.  We ARE moving in the right direction.  Things are much better than they were 40 years ago.  They're not perfect, by any means, but we are slaying the world's dragons, a bit at a time.

    Get a balanced perspective - what may seem like suffering to you may be normal to another person.  For instance, most Chinese are happy with their government, even though it seems repressive to us.  If they were not happy, the Chinese government could never survive - they'd be overthrown.

    Do what you can to help.  Adopt a child through Foster Parents Plan.  Contribute to - a $25 donation can be used to finance micro businesses all over the world and that donation can be used over and over again.

    Then, be satisfied that you've done what you can and enjoy your life.

  4. Eat and drink.

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