
How too clean out a blow up wadding pool?

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My mom bought a blow up wadding pool for my little sister about 3 weeks ago at Walmart. All that she puts in it is water. She never has put any type of chemicals into the pool. Now there is this green stuff that is in the bottom of the pool i realy don't know what it is but now my sister can't swim in the pool because of the green stuff in the bottom of the pool. What should she do to keep the wadding pool clean and free of the green stuff? Are there any chemicals that she should be putting in with the water that will keep the pool from getting the green stuff in the bottom of it?




  1. why don't you ruturn you wadding pool to walmart, and buy a real POOL TABLE.

  2. Kill it with fire.

  3. You should probably empty it and rinse it out once a week at least to prevent that from happening. For now you need to empty it and rinse it out, take a scrub brush and a few gallons of water with a half cup of bleach and scrub it down good all over. Once it's clean, rinse it out one more time and fill it back up. Add a half cup of bleach to the water and mix well, then every couple of days add a half cup of bleach to the water to keep anything from growing like that again. And you should empty and rinse out the pool at least every 2 weeks just to clean it out.

    Best of luck.

  4. green stuff on the pool (table) is pretty normal

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