
How too get rid of scars?

by Guest67063  |  earlier

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A few months ago, i had these little bumps on my skin that were itchy. Kinda like a lowcore version of chicken pox. It just so happens that my skin is really sensitive and nearly anything could scar/cut it. because i would scratch the bumps, they would bleed and therefore i now have these circular little brown bumps on my skin.

Are there any home remedy's that'll help reduce visibility of the scars? or even better make them dissapear?

D: They're all over the place, it looks like i've stabbed myself with a pen or something.

Help pleassee.<3




  1. you could try cutting out a piece of a banana peel and putting it on your arm, underneath a band-aid.

    banana peels get rid of things like minor skin cancers, and toe fungi so it might work for the scars.

  2. ihad some pretty bad scars before and i got this stuff called scar zone.. and you can get it at a cvs. It works really good cuz my scars arent there anymore

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