
How tough can Palin be if she cannot handle this first set of criticisms?

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Why are they hiding her away from the media for the last two days.




  1. Huh?Don't talk about my ears,My middle name,the color of my skin?(white or black)etc.Do these criticisms ring any bells?

  2. Who said she couldn't handle it- just because she hasn't caved in?- she's more dignified.  

  3. They want her to be focused on tonights speech.  The last thing they want is for Palin to be bombarded with questions further causing issues to the point where she will be too flustered to deliver a well and informed speech.  Also I think it has something to do with Obama saying that the candidates families should be off limits.  

  4. they have to teach her proper Republican  propoganda . she has to learn how to deflect questions about real issues . but why take chances , vote nader , for real change .

  5. The media showed her preparing for her speech this morning at 6 AM CDT, they didn't do that when Biden was preparing for his speech.  I hardly call this hiding, she faced them and responded to their questions they went live to it all over the place, including my local radio station (I guess you weren't up that early).

    There are scores of pictures of her, with her family getting off the plane in Minneapolis this afternoon, hardly hiding.

  6. Not tough at all. Both she and McCain have been hiding since Friday.  They will not do questions/answers with the press.  As of this afternoon the McCain campaign will not longer answer any questions on the vetting process.  This leads me to conclude that they don't have all the facts yet, and are unsure what consistent story to dole out to the MSM.  In some room in Alaska there are McCain lawyers going over microfiche news files doing the vetting research they should performed.  McCain is still asking Sarah, "Now really is that all there really is?"

    "Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice. The campaign was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday night asking them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected candidacy of Ms. Palin."

    Prior to last Friday all of McCain middle and lower level advisers had talking points to defend the Joe Lieberman nomination.

  7. You'll see tonite she's handling it fine.  It's you folks on the left who can't handle her.

  8. how tough can obama be when every time anyone has anything critical to say against him, he whines like a baby. he hasn't handled what little criticism he has gotten, i can't imagine what he will do if he wins and people start to criticize him as a president.  

  9. The news only cared about foreign experience, Palin's children and "Troopergate 2."  That's kind of questioning just kills their message.  One of the things about running for office is to stay with your message.  Major news anchors have publicly stated on the air they back Obama and they hate the Republicans.  So the McCain and Paldin are going to present their message from speeches, blogs, advertisements and debates.  The media can then gush about Obama.

  10. What the heck Robert Aeyers..  That is the worst answer that I have seen on yahoo answers.  I can believe others gave you a thumbs up..  Well I reported you and I hope others will do the same..

  11. and obama handles criticism so well right????? everytime anybody says anything abt him that doesn't sound like a groupie adoringly worshiping a rockstar then its racism. this kind of coverage is unfair and bashing palin because of a choice she didn't make  

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