
How tough is it being a university student in London?

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Living in Scotland...not particularly well off, but planning on going to uni in London?

How difficult will it be for me? In terms of accomodation, travel, finance etc?




  1. London... particularly inner London is expensive for accomodation. Usually, this will eat up most of your budget.

    travel is cheap and easy

    finances will be pretty much stretched wherever you go, but London has a lot of distractions too... nightlife, clubs, theatres, gigs, etc, which will eat into your finances if you want a decent social life.

    Have a look at prices of accomodation on (for example) the London Gumtree site -  and compare it with other regional university towns

  2. I don't think it is anymore hard than being a university student anywhere. Finances are always a problem. As for transportation you will find it easier in London than in a smaller town (just get your self a bus and underground schedule). Accommodation shouldn't be hard, many university's have housing on campus or will help you find somewhere.

  3. I've been there and done it myself - I moved from a small town in Cheshire to London at Uni.

    The good news is that I did that 8 years ago.  After I graduated, I loved it so much that I settled here and now work in the city.

    That said, it was very tough.  At first, I felt like I'd been thrown in at the deep end - everything was so chatoic and hustle and bustle.  I think there is some truth to the fact that the city can be impersonal, but if you work hard at it you can make real good friends.

    It's expensive; there's no denying that.  University halls will eat up most of your student loan, and if you want cheaper halls then you'll trade it off against a longer (and therefore more expensive) commute.

    But it does open some great cultural opportunities as well as providing access to some world-class universities.  There's no shortage of activities and you real make of the experience what you put in.  

    No matter what,.... good luck!

  4. just don't go home too often!

  5. I am at uni in London (King's College) and I'm definitely not well off but I'm managing with the help of student loans and grants etc. Accommodation in Waterloo was pretty expensive... I lived in halls for the first year but they were more expensive than usual because they had an en-suite bathroom. I didn't have to pay for transport because I could walk to uni but get an Oyster card when you get here because it's so much cheaper - 90p for a single bus journey and £1.50 for a singer tube journey in zone 1 (central London). However, you can get a student Oyster card through your student union and with this, you can get discounts on season tickets (this is especially useful if you have to catch a bus or tube every day). Food doesn't cost that much more but then again, I have nothing to compare it to since I live in West London anyway. For buying clothes and things, a NUS card could help. With this, you can get a student discount on many things, including CDs, clothes, toiletries, etc. There are many free things to do here if you're strapped for cash, museums are free and there are things to see everywhere. Have fun in London, it's a wonderful place to be a student!

  6. Its bloody expensive ...fingers crossed you get a high paid job after to clear them student loans.

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