
How tough was queen elezabeth life?

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how was her life




  1. Which one? There are movies about both.

  2. Whic Queen Elizabeth?  We have had 2.  Queen Elizabeth I inherited the throne from her sister, Mary I, both daughters of Henry VIII and members of the Tudor Monarchy.  Elizabeth I was a stubborn monarch, married to her country, a 'virgin' queen.  She contracted small pox, and spent the majority of her reign balancing on a tightrope between the Catholic English and the Protestant, reformed English.  She spent her early years out of favour with her father because of her mother, Anne Bolyn, who was excecuted by Henry VIII.  Later, she was imprisoned in Hatfield house by Mary I, to reduce the number of plots that Elizabeth could be used as a figure for.

  3. Queen Elizabeth inherited her position after her father inherited his title from his brother Edward who because of his love for Lady Simpson a divorcee was dethroned or relinquished his throne for the woman he loved. Actually he was afraid of facing a great responsibility like ruling a kingdom. Thus Elizabeth eldest daughter of his brother was named Queen .She has to follow rules of protocol to rule her kingdom.

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