
How true is this statement for Israelis?

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In average, an Israeli has 10 + sexual parteners during his life span.




  1. hahaha true...very loving people

  2. It depends on how many of their family came over from the old country.

  3. that's lame. i've had like 100. so have most americans i know. the more the merrier!

  4. Very wise to rely on commercial link. Imam much click on durex site to learn about world.

    Imam close eye, not want to know which countries have fastest-growing rates of HIV infection.

  5. the numbers are 10.5 for Israeli men.  Which would include Arab Israeli's.

    The global average for all men is 10.2.

    What is your point?

    I guess I should be ashamed.

  6. Really my first reaction is, Wow, Turkey is at the top of the list with 14.5? (How do you get half a person?) I would have thought the US would have been number 1 or France.

    And in the end, mind me but I don't care what goes on personally in a persons bedroom. Cheers!

  7. The statement is another naive uneducated comment. How many people were interviewed from Israel. Less than 0.00000015% and on this they make a conclusion. All the figures are a joke. !

  8. Only if you include visits to the massage parlor! That would mean that the Arabs have those 10 + the 4 wives which they are married to but are so busy with all their children that the Arab "gever" has to go to the massage parlor to get it from (as they would like to believe) Russian ladies, which Arabs have a fascination for rather than their own fat dowdy wives!

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