
How true is this statement to YOU?

by  |  earlier

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I am doing a report for school on g*y rights.

I know, I know, it's just another rant that won't change anything, yada yada yada. But it's something I support (not AM, but I support) and I want to know how true you think

"Liberty and Justice for All"

is on a scale of 1-10

1 being lowest and 10 being highest.

thanks you





  1. Somewhere in between 8 and 10.

    And thanks for supporting this, it doesn't seem like a lot of people do lately :(

    Good luck on your report too.


  2. on the importance scale I'd give it a 10, but in reality or truth.... in this country I'd give it an 8. Justice isn't always equal here in practice.

  3. Why are you doing a report on g*y rights?

    g**s have no rights!

    Homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle, not a birth defect!

  4. That's a 10 for me Magenta.

  5. mm yea i like how you think about what the motto is. very clever! did you come up with that? it is a very true statement. at first i thought, 'oh someone has used that before,' but after thinking about it, no one really has for g*y rights. good one! i am a huge supporter too! i have an aunt who is g*y, and i love her wife! shes soo sweet! and like you, i am not g*y personaly but i do support it. people think that people who are g*y are like crazy or something but its not like that. our world is changing faster then we can stop it. and by the way, thank you for answering my Q!

    and to the guy above me, how is it disgusting? if you love someone, its the opposite. it is the most beautiful thing in the world! and its not against the bible! if god were here today, he would have something different to say! gosh!

  6. first of all i know im probably gonna get best answer know but i dont like homos its against the bible and its disgusting.

    well the answer is a 8 cause g bush is messing up the justice

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