
How tuff is it to kill sperm?

by  |  earlier

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Ok my girl friend and i were about to do it and i started to put the condom on right. Well it was dark and i started to put in on inside out. It touched the tip of my pee pee witch had a little pre come on it. So i wipped it off of the condom and spit on it and wiped it off again and i did this about three times. It was dry were the pre come had touched it i spit on it for some loob then we used it. Do you think that any of the sperm could have survived all of that. I mean do you think she could be preagnant?

Would the sperm be able to stay alive since it was windy and i did all of that stuff to it?




  1. I'm pretty sure she's NOT pregnant. Keep using condoms!

  2. You cannot kill sperm

  3. Sorry but I'm lmao! toooo much info ...

  4. i agree with ADAM

  5. sperm dies once it reaches air

  6. Yeah, wind kills sperm, definitely. Shows 'em the wrong direction.

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