
How two prevent bunions when wearing heels?

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i am very short and i have short legs so essentially i have to wear heels practically every day because i work in a strict business atmosphere. Ever since i've been wear more narrow pointed shoes ive noticed I'm getting bunions. Is there any way to prevent it besides changing my shoes? like any cushions or stretching of the shoe??




  1. I do not wish to be the bearer of bad news, but footwear is a significant factor in causing bunions. And unfortunately there seems to be no magical cure for bunions. The forces working on your big toe causing the bunion are quite large, and I am unaware of any cushions that would be of any benefit.

    Unfortunately, what you didn't want to hear, is that shoes play a huge role. I'm not saying you have to wear joggers to work for the best benefit, but you may just need to make a few changes. Try and get work shoes that have a wider toe box and don't cause as much pressure on the outsides of your forefoot.

    You have answered your own question in a sense, you need to stay away from very tight narrow shoes because this plays a role in bunion formation. Also what foot type/shape you have, and if you have flat feet or rolled in ankles this can also play a major role, and if you think you may have something along these lines you are best visiting a health professional such as a podiatrist.

    Im sorry can't be of any more help. I wouldn't think there is a way to prevent bunions while wearing heels, without having surgery, which would be quite drastic.

    Again these are only my opinions.

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