
How ugly am i on a scale of 1-10?

by  |  earlier

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Its kind of a trashy looking pic yeah??




  1. 8

  2. Not ugly at all, so no rating on the ugly scale.

    Kind of a wonky picture, but not trashy, not S****y, nothing like that.

    Smile, babe.  I bet your face lights the room.

  3. Ur pretty skinny and are a beautiful girl who will do what she wants to do SO WHY DO U WANT PPL TO CALL U UGLY

  4. pretty

  5. i cant stand when pretty girls post pics on the internet JUST to get a compliment. You know your pretty, and u just want people to tell you that. Well here you go. YOUR PRETTY. Happy?? What is this a low self esteem epidemic?? Why do SO many people put thier pics up and ask how attractive they are?? Its RIDICULOUS.

  6. your not Ugly my brother says you are a 7/10

    and my cuz says 9/10 and my bf says if he was single it would be a 6/10

  7. 2 1/2 :)

  8. 5/10

  9. 1

  10. your normal

  11. 10000000000000000000000srry but thats just me cuz i dont like girls trying to get compliments unless thier really hot

  12. heey im 15 and u accutly look pretty good but the pic kinda sucks     u got ne others

  13. uhh 10 being more ugly or 1 being more ugly??

  14. 6

  15. 5

  16. fishing for compliments, eh?

  17. your pretty so id say 0 ugliness

  18. 3

  19. your pretttyyy not ugly.. 10 meaning cutest id rate u 7 1/2..

  20. is 1 the lowest (uglest) or is 10 the uglest? is 1 is the uglest then i choes 6

  21. You're very cute, but you are way too young to be looking so s**y!

  22. 6.4

  23. your not ugly at all! u shouldnt worry about that! i bet every1 luvs u! :)

  24. ehh 4

    your not ugly

    but you need to take better

    care of yourself

  25. Good god I wish you had put a bra on before you took that photo...

    And it's hard to tell much of anything when a photo is upside down.

  26. your really pretty

  27. you look pretty sketchy in that pic

    dont try so hard and be're really pretty

  28. I think you're beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you different :]

  29. cute

  30. I would say about a 3... maybe a 4... you ain't ugly at all.

    Oh yeah, by the way... who ever rated you higher then a 5 is lying, they just want you to feel sh*tty about yourself :)

  31. wow you're not ugly at all. infact i think you're very pretty. Honestly you're VERY pretty!

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