
How unfair is this? :[?

by  |  earlier

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My email account for yahoo that i have been using for 7 years, got 'terminated' because, apparently i violated a term of service.

I emailed them asking what i did wrong, they tell me its confidential and they cannot reveal it . I ask what about all the stuff thats in my email, they say its irretrievable.

So i have about 50 different account linked to my email as the user/password lost email. Starting from Pay pal to online shopping accounts, and worst of all, all my college information as i am a senior that just received info college acceptances and instructions.

After all these years of using my email all they had to say was. Sorry, but tough luck. :[




  1. well that does suck.  Thanks for sharing, though.  I guess I should really be backing up the stuff in my email more often.

  2. that's yahoo for ya - they did that to me too, lost a bunch of stuff I needed for a lawsuit.  Yahoo sucks.

    Sorry that happened to you.

    if you know anyone who is good with computers, you could get your info back the hard way, everything ever entered on your comp is supposed to be in there, terminated account or not - good luck!

  3. That's pretty dirty.  Especially that they won't even tell you what you did wrong.

    In the future, I suggest not using a free internet-based e-mail service for your important school/work communications.  Try to use institutional addresses for those, and free e-mail for less important things.  Also, keep in mind that e-mails stored on the server are a never reliable way to archive information.  You should back them up to your hard drive if they are important enough.

    Sorry about your luck, though.  Yahoo! wants people to rely on them for their services, but it's hard to do that when they have the authority to just kick you out at any time.

  4. Its a free account, didn't your mom ever tell you nothing is free. This is just the price you had to pay.

  5. that happened to me too except it was in my first week and i didnt do anything wrong

    i hadnt even discovered yahoo answers  or anything

    i was so mad haha

  6. That is unfair.

    I'm sorry, man.

    You could egg and tee-pee their homes.

  7. information should be backed up thats valueable to you .

  8. Oh wow, this just made me scared if i might have to save important data onto my email..

    Well i use hotmail though, and i hope that they won't do something like that to me if i was in your situation.

    Sorry bud.

  9. i think you know what you did...

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