
How unusual is it to be a non driver today?

by  |  earlier

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I for a number of reasions do not drive a car, I accept that for many, to have a car is a necessity rather then a luxury.

If you don t drive what are your ressions ?

Have not managed to pass the test?

medical conditions?

financial concerns?

No need or no wish too drive?




  1. I drive very little here in the US due to medical reasons, gas is so high anyway you can't afford to go far, If you don't have a license now I would bother getting one. But to answer your question it is unusual here in the US. At 16 we begin the process. We just can't wait it seems to get them. I guess it makes us feel independent or something like that. And sometimes thats not a good thing. To many people get into trouble today by driving drunk or on drugs or on the phone and not watching where they are going, there are alot of wrecks here. Alot of lives lost everyday. But it doesn't seem to be slowing us down. Maybe the price of gas will.

  2. In 1964 I bought my first car, it was a Vauxhall Velox, full of chrome and leather it was.

             On my first night out in it, I was arrested for drunk driving and given three months imprisonment. I was so ashamed of myself that when I got out of prison, I never even went to the pound to pick up the car, and I have never driven since. In a way I am glad, as I have been a cyclist all my life, and been at the top of my profession in roadracing Seventy one now, and still pushing it.


  3. I do have a car, but I don't drive it very often, as I find driving far too stressful.

  4. I would for one have to say that not driving today is very unusual. For me, taking the public transit - yes it is environmentally friendly however the time it takes is ridiculous! Yes for some people who don't drive and or have financial problems buses have made a +ive contribution. But I for one have to acknowledge the fact that in today's world; in order to get your way around ; a car is a necessity!

  5. I'm a H.G.V. driver and I'm not driving today,coz i need a rest from all the nutty car drivers out there who insist on trying to

    kill them self's in front of me every day just to gain a few mins

  6. For most medically healthy adults in America it is unusual to at least not know HOW to drive a car. In Illinois it is a requirement for high school graduation to take and pass drivers ed (although you don't need a license). If you lived in a city with excellent infrastructure like NY, London or Chicago you may not need a car because of public transport and cabs. Otherwise the main limitations are financial, medical or legal, as you stated.

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