
How upset/mad do you get if a resturant doesn't cook your meat the way you want it?

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I went to an Outback and got my meal to go. Requested that my steak be well done, daughters fiancee ordered his medium rare, got home and you got it, wasn't well done.

Gas costs too much to drive back, I was going to call and complain but my daughter talked me out of it. She zapped it in the didn't taste like what I wanted after that...kinda rubbery. What would you do in a situation like this? My daughter paid for the meal~




  1. I hate that!  Meat is the best part of the meal, and if anything should be made wrong, it should not be the meat.  Although I do not let it ruin my day, they'd be getting a call from me, and my next meal would be at least discounted!  It happens sometimes; I'm sure all of us at some point, cooking our own dinner s***w it up pretty good!

    Don't let it get the best of you, just call them and have them send you a certificate because you lost money in both the meal and travelling!

    Good luck!!

  2. Since it was take-out, I would have phoned. Most restaurants are good about offering a free meal next time you come in. They want repeat customers.  

  3. ma'am,

    its an awful experience.

    but i don't want you to loose your being a person or being drowned with your emotions.

    if i were you, i will talk to the manager in my most decent way, i mean with poise and maintaining a good eye contact for the manager to feel like being intimidated or lets say sorry.

    i will let the manager taste the menu they serve to me with what i have instructed to them.

    and i will let the manager decide, if what the crews/staff do it according to my order.

    and lastly if i do have ample time, i will tell the manager to give up the work, if he/she cannot dispense his/her duty well.

    i will let him/her understand that he/she is working in a restaurant, dealing with foods, and customers have different tastes that is why you give the remarks to your order.

    and as a manager he/she is responsible for the whole resto.

    and remind him/her that as a manager you presume that he/she knows what you reminded him/her.

  4. If you call Outback and let them know,they will give you a free steak the next time you come in to the restuarant.  

  5. Good question. I understand your point. Its horrible when you are really looking foward to a nice meal/ are very hungry and you are served the complete opposite from what you ordered. Personally, I hate mayonaise, and if I had a $ for every time I got it on a burger after telling them not to  I'd be rich.

    Ithink you were right to be annoyed, and I would have called and complained. Not only was it a waste of your money, but it was a waste of your time aswell. Next time, you should leave your name and request a free meal/refund next time you visit. If they say no, I wouldn't go back.

  6. Well first of all meat shouldn't be cooked well done!  You might as well eat charcoal.  Just kidding! I always remember Joe Pesce in Lethal Weapon 2.  They "blank" you at the drive-thru.  They know you aren't going to drive back and ask them to change it so I think they are more careless than if you were dining in.  I have had a burger situation, although the opposite of yours, where I wanted it med-rare and they brought it back twice burned, charred to death.  I did ask to speak to the manager and was not happy because she would not admit that the burger was burned!  So sometimes it's just more aggrevating to complain than to just forget about it.

  7. Well considering the fact you ordered it to go... I'd be pretty upset. I would definitely call and complain. Chances are, you'll get a free meal out of it. I'm not telling people to lie and complain on purpose for free food... But really it isn't fair to you, to order one thing and get something practically totally different. Now I'm not for sure if this will work either,  I only know it does for sure in fast food.

  8. Yea, I would be frustrated. I would try and send it back or go back there and complain about the poor service.  

  9. I don't get upset, I just send it back.

  10. I notice this almost always seems to be a problem for those who want their steaks well done (including me).

    It may difficult to cook a steak well done without burning the outside.

    I would have called Outback and complained.

  11. Just phone them JUST to tell them;

    Not to complain.


  12. Should have checked it before you left the restaurant... if that happens to me i feel distraught, heartbroken and as if i could drop dead any second


  13. Next time that happens to you, go back to the restaurant or call them, because some restaurants will offer you a free meal on your next visit, so always speak up and let them know how you feel about the service and the food.  

  14. Your daughter paid for the meal, so it was her call. Steak might have been rubbery to begin with, but the microwave is not always kind to food.  

  15. Don't get mad. Go to the restaurant again, and order the same thing, but then give them a long talk on exactly how you want your meat cooked. Then just wait, if it is not cooked right again demand to talk to the cook.  

  16. I think I would have called and calmly told them the situation. My guess is they would comp your next meal with them.  

  17. That is always a problem with take out.  I would definetly call and let them know, you paid money and your expect them to get it right.  You can still call today and just say, I just wanted to let you know and chances are they will want to correct the problem.  CALL TODAY, I do, but I always do it in a pleasant manner.

  18. You should have called and voiced your displeasure. This has happened to my husband a few times and he always calls the restaurant about it.  He asks to speak to the manager on duty and they end up mailing him discount coupons for his next meal.  So follow your own good sense and phone the restaurant after all we all have to work hard to earn our money and it's not right to receive any item that is not to our expectations.  

    Instead of nuking the steak pop it in a hot skillet or under your broiler that way you can control the cooking and it won't get rubbery.  Microwaving beef is tricky and will easily turn rubbery.  Nice of your daughter to pay for the meal but that one should have been on Outback.

  19. Well, i hate that. it would just be a rip off oh make sure u check if the food is clean 2. because u don't want to get sick. tell the waiter and maybe they'll do something. have it your way.  

  20. I always have ben told that if you do not like the way a restaurant cooks their food then dont eat there. After all that is why they have a menu in the first place. If they ask you how you want it cooked then it should be correct. if i was given the option and they did it wrong then yes i would complain but dont drive back to the resaurant just to complain. they are busy with other current customers' demands.  

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