
How useful do you feel it is that the American public know of John Edwards' affair?

by Guest64757  |  earlier

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I feel sorry for both he and his wife and kids that their family laundry is being aired in public.




  1. The cover up is more meaningful than the affair. Paying off the woman with donors money while running for the highest office? Would Hillary Clinton have won instead of Obama with Edwards out. This has only affected the Dem party so far. But if Obama pres. it affects the whole country.  

  2. Useful? No more useful than knowing that John Edwards exists at all.

  3. I feel badly for him too. I mean i do agree that what he did was clearly wrong, but the whole world does'nt need to be involved in his family life. What he did was what he did and i'm sure he regrets it, but everyone needs to just get over it. That has nothing to with him and his job so everyone should just lay off!

  4. It is only relevant in the framework of the character portrayal he himself touted. john Edwards asked us to trust him in the job as president because he was a morally upright, devoted family man who found success in the practice of law but, considered his family to be his most cherished success. In the arena of politics, we are no longer presented with only the facts of how a candidate plans to carry out the job they are running for. Nowadays we are inundated with all sorts of personal information about a candidate hoping to spark an emotional connection with voters. This whole sad event is really a reminder to us as voters to not be seduced(sorry!) by the political p.r.machine  and solely concentrate on the best candidate based on their plans for our future.

  5. I thought he was scum when he was campaigning while his wife was battling cancer.  Dog.

  6. How "useful?" Not useful at all!!!

    Frankly, I don't really care to know about ANY politicians' bedroom affairs, on either side of the parties! Democrats seem to cheat on their wives with very average-looking women, while Republicans seem to go after the young boys...but hey...who am I to judge???

  7. I feel that John Edwards is a man.These things happen in a good deal of marriages,I think also that his wife is going through enough with her cancer being terminal an certainly doesn't need added duress.I don't think the media really cares about whether it is impotent to the American people or not they need news and slander people no matter what their lives are.John Edwards was not thinking about what his children would suffer ,caused by his moments of pleasure he was behaving irresponsibly and knows the chances he was taking and didn't care.If he didn't love his dieing wife until death do they part that is one thing but to hurt his entire family and cause them embarrassment along with what they are going to go through with approaching  death of their Mother.Well that's something he will answer for one way or another .Someone in the public eye cannot afford to think that they can get away with some thing that will become top news if it leaks out.He was foolish in his steps and I think he knows that now.He was throwing caution to the wind.He is no doubt younger then he even appears. I hope he can retrieve the unhappiness he has caused his children to face during the last days of their Mom's life .The whole thing is very sad and unnecessary.But it happened.

  8. I feel sorry for his wife and kids as well because their father is slime and because of his actions they have to suffer. That might have been fairly useful considering he could have been considered for VP.  

  9. It's not, but apparently it makes a good story.  Personally, I have my own life to live.  I feel for them too.

  10. It's not the fact that he had the affair that most americans feel about Edwards. It's the fact that he lied about it while running for the highest office in the world. Same with Bill Clinton, although he was already president when he had Monica Lewinsky sucking him off.

  11.   Another example of useless media fluff. but, it sells advertising, thats the goal of TV news and other programming.

  12. It's not that he had an affair, it was the denial and self-righteous indignation that angers people. I don't think it much matters now -- his political career is pretty much all washed up.  

  13. The man was weak and in a typical way.

    It may be that he needs to grow and learn.

    If a person places them self in a place of public trust their own house must be in order.

    If a person's house is not in order perhaps they should think twice about being a public servant. At least in the U.S. of A.

    A great deal of info came out about Obama partying and homosexual relationship but this has been and is ignored.

    This is not like France were the mistress becomes a bigger celebrity than even the man's wife as many wink at this conduct.

    John Edwards wife and children should hold their heads high and support their father, He is human. Just like any other human. What he did is between him, his wife and God. All marriages are three party relationships they include God.

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