
How useful is a Social Work background in anthropology?

by Guest56610  |  earlier

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I think we were taught a lot about politics, research and analysis. My teacher was a former activist, so his world view was shaped by radical feminism, structuralism, activism and socialism. I never cared for any of his ideas, because everything was political to him. We did learn about family, community, pharmacology, social history and aspects of learning and teaching, though. We might have learned counseling (or needed it) because of his rants.




  1. Social work is by definition a political profession.  It is about work with living cultures.  It is about making actual change for living people in today's society.  Anthropology is more about the study of culture (living and dead).  It is primarily about understanding culture (usually more structural).  In general a social work background will have some shared elements as antrho (Many social work programs exist in sociology/anthropology departments).  You may find that students coming from antro are better prepared in the research and observation side of things than social work students.  DA

  2. Unfortunately, especially here in Boston, most if not the majority of professors have a liberal background and some have been leftist street activists.

    Colleges have been referred to as 'indoctrination centers' for the political left.

    Social work in anthropology would be of  equivalent dubious worth as social work in history or English or psychology.

    It just sounds like your Anthro professor is heavily left-wing biased, so be careful.

  3. Von der politischen Veranschaulichung hat es seinen Wert.

    Es gibt jemand eine Kernrichtung der Gesellschaft und

    seiner Geschichte.  Forschung und Analyse ist immer

    nützlich, aber die Perspektive der Sozialarbeit ist zu den

    traditionellen Sozialwissenschaften, besonders die Studie

    von der Disziplin von Anthropologie unterschiedlich.  Ich

    denke, daß Art der Ausbildung, Lose Messwert und

    Versuche mit einbeziehend, Ihren Wunsch prüft,

    diesbezüglich zu sein auffangen oder eingestellt von

    auffängt.  So kann es erhöhen, was Sie erlernen.

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