
How vain are you?

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i don't consider myself a narcissistic or anything but i admit i am young and somewhat vain. this is something i have given a great deal of thought to since having a daughter. it's not exactly an endearing quality anyone would want to pass to a little girl so it's a flaw of mine i want to keep in check. any thoughts?




  1. My present girlfriend says she is "perfect."  My exwife says she doesn't have to change anything about herself.  I wonder if more women/girls are more vain than men/boys?  Just a thought and I'm sure there are plenty of boys/men who are vain out there.

  2. I'm very proud, but not vain. To quote Pride & Prejudice:

    "Pride relates more to what we think of ourselves, while vanity relates more to what other people think of us."

  3. Meeki, ya know what your problem is ?..... I'm too good looking !!.....

  4. i think most of us have experienced being alittle vain

  5. I'm too beautiful to be vain!

  6. I agree, having kids young is not an endearing quality anyone would want to pass. Some of you should really get over yourselves.

  7. ha your so vain you probably think this answer is about you..

    but its really about me!

    anyhow you are already doing well. you already realize its a take it from there.

    lol consider it a 12 step program!

  8. Good for you for thinking in those terms!!!

    Vanity is a terrible thing - and it doesn't just mean someone who thinks they look great....its anyone who is obsessed with their appearance, both good and bad.  For me, I am my own worst critic, and have spent altogether too much time in my life worrying about my appearance.  

    It is something that needs addressing, and it is something that your daughter WILL pick up on, to be sure!  So do what you can now - or you'll have a daughter with a bad attitude and, potentially, an eating disorder!

  9. I am so vain i probably think this question is about me don't i don't i don't i

  10. I wear make-up, I guess that could be considered I right?  I like to look nice, but I don't go overboard or anything.  I think we are all a little vain in some respect.

  11. I think everyone is vain to a certain extint. I am! If a mirror is in sight, I look in it. That's a natural reaction for me.  It is a flaw of mine too.

  12. try and ignore the marketing and media that is produced for women. don't buy the magazines and watch documentaries and good movies instead of tv and hollywood dross.

    good for you

    edit, i won't admit to being vain but i do have a touch of arrogance, just a touch though.

  13. Vain enough to know that I do not have to listen to insults about who I am, what kind of person I am, what kind of person I am not, and what I look like.  Also, I can easily find someone to replace her, quickly

  14. theres nothing wrong in taking care of ur appearence and being confident in one's looks. just remember it doesnt mean ur better than others.

  15. Kids should be taught that they are beautiful, not just because of what they look like on the outside, but because of the person they are on the inside.  They should also be taught to respect everyone and not to treat anyone poorly for the way they look.  They should be taught that just because someone is not appealing to the eye that they can still be a beautiful human being.  They should be taught to take care of themselves apperance wise, but not make it their only priority in life.

  16. If I was more vain I would be at the Gym everyday. My vanity is mostly caught up in my brain or personality that my attractive looks.

    By telling others how beautiful you think they are it is amazing how good looking you suddenly seem to be to others.

    Being concerned with ones looks is not a bad thing as long as it doesn't become an obsession. Pride in ones self is also fine as long as you don't try to appear to be bigger by making others smaller.

    Find the beauty in others and they will find the beauty in you.

    Anyone can have an external makeover and look better but internal beauty always shines through.

  17. I'm not vain and never have been particulary- obviously I look in the mirror to check I haven't got c**p on my face but that's as far as it goes- my teenage daughter on the other hand- well- she spends more time lokking in the mirror beatifying herself for hours- morning and night- clothes get changed hourly- hair straightened then curled- I can't keep up!!

    Thing is- she's really stunning naturally- or so I am told! (obviously I think she is, but so do many others)

    SO- no matter what you do- your kids will do their own thing!
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