
How was Breaking Dawn for everyone? [dont read if you havent read breaking dawn!!!]?

by Guest33486  |  earlier

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I know everyone has asked this question, but i really want to know if its a let down or something?

I personally dont think it was, I loved it, New Moon was the one that really got me, I did't specially care for it, but i did like where it went.

I dunno, maybes its just me, I like to be more detailed and like graphic. haha.

Oh! And if you havent read the book? dont comment, and dont say i ruined it for you, because i gave nothing away.

If you havent read the book and didnt want any 'spoilers' then why'd you click on it when it CLEARLY stated in the question at the top, not to read this if you havent read it?




  1. i actually really liked it too (:

    i dont know why everyones hating

  2. i personally think that the twilight series was awesome!!!! it was the best series ever written!

  3. I thought it was a huge disappointment.

    The entire series sucks, but I was hoping this book would still somehow manage to be good.

    Yeah, I was wrong.

  4. New Moon was a disappointment.

    But Breaking Dawn was pretty good to me, I liked the concept, she just had too much on her plate and was trying to do so much that some of plot lines really suffered because of it.

    But I'm not let down :)


    Sign it if you disliked Breakin Dawn.

  6. I very much enjoyed "Breaking Dawn". I waited at a local bookstore until midnight to insure my copy. I was surprised by the preganancy....I didn't see that coming. I was also surprised by Jacob's imprint on Renesmee.

    As much as I love happy endings, I think a part of me wanted something more to happen. It ended Homes & Garden.

    No matter is currently my favorite book.

  7. It was a disappointment to me.  I expected more out of it, and I thought the ending was a little too neat.  (Okay, a lot.)

    I'm of the opposite opinion than you about New Moon though.  I think that one was my favorite.  It's the one I remember most clearly when I think of the emotions that Stephenie Meyer portrays in Bella.

    Even though I was less than impressed with Breaking Dawn, I'm not going to let that get me down.  Hey, if want something done right, you have to do it yourself :)

    It's more graphic than Breaking Dawn was.  I thought BD was lacking in that department... so I embellished...

    (Does anybody else find it weird that some people hate the Twilight Saga with a vehement passion, and yet have read every book?  Don't you know if you dislike it after the first one?  Why be a m*******t?)

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