
How was Islam spread across north africa....?

by Guest67027  |  earlier

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How did the religion of Islam spread from the middle east, across north africa and throughout Spain in such a short period of time?

What were the selling points of the faith at that time, and what methods were used to "embrace" the large number of Africans and Spaniards into the loving faith?




  1. By sms

  2. .

    Try asking me about Panagea instead.  

    Selling points.  yeah

    hehehe  hehehe   hehehe


  3. They did it by sword.  They sent their armies.  They were driven back but by the stupid use of military and a woman (forgot exact details) they burned their towns to prevent the arabs from using it.  This cause the people of the town to switch their allegiance and also they simply did not have the resources any longer to resist and the Arabs marched through and slaughtered them.  They took many slaves.  Slavery is allowed and even encouraged in Islam.

  4. islam was spead through the salt and gold trade. this was a trade between the african kingdoms and muslims. when they met  munsa musa a african leader changed his reliogion to islam and made his law based on the quran. this made the subsaharan people islamic. wickapedia is not a reliable sorce. people can put non factual info into it. i can also copy and paste yhat is not impressive diana.

  5. By the sword Islam raped and pillaged its way across North Africa.  Either convert or die!

    "The Koran or the Sword" was the motto of the imperialist Islamic infidels as they promised to cross the Seine and invade Paris then invade the Vatican.

    It was only the Holy Crusades that kept the mulsim infidel out of the Holy Roman Empire.

  6. They marched armies and forced you.  

    "loving faith"

    Now thats a joke.

  7. It doesn't take much to convince a half starved man with a tom tom.

    Has islam ever made inroads in a wealthy country?

  8. What I know for sure is that by the time arabs conquered spain, they coexisted with jews and with christians respecting their religions and the practice of them...

    I also found in wikipedia u will notice the power of trade relationships : )

    Islam first spread southward into West Africa, including Mauritania, with the movement of Muslim traders and craftsmen and later with the founders of Islamic brotherhoods. Although the brotherhoods (Sufism and tariqa) played a role in the early expansion of Islam, it was not until the nineteenth century that these religious orders assumed importance when they attempted to make religion a force for expanding identities and loyalties beyond the limits of kinship. The relative peace brought to the area by French administration and the growing resentment of colonial rule contributed to the rapid rise in the power and influence of the brotherhoods. In recent decades, these orders have opposed tribalism and have been an indispensable element in the growth of nationalist sentiment.

    In the 1980s, two brotherhoods (tariqa), the Qadiriyyah and the Tijaniyyah, accounted for nearly all the brotherhood membership in Mauritania. The Qadiriyyah and Tijaniyyah were essentially parallel "ways," differing primarily in their methods of reciting the litanies. Their Islamic doctrines and their religious obligations were basically similar. Two smaller brotherhoods also existed-- the Shadhiliyyah, centered in Boumdeït in Tagant Region, and the Goudfiya, found in the regions of Tagant, Adrar, Hodh ech Chargui, and Hodh el Gharbi.

    As Islam spread westward and southward in Africa, various elements of indigenous religious systems became absorbed into and then altered strictly Islamic beliefs. For example, the Islamic tradition in Mauritania began to include a variety of spirits and supernatural beings, whilst recognizing Allah as the only God. Muslims in Mauritania believe in various lesser spirits apparently transformed from pre-Islamic faiths into Islamic spirits.

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