
How was Jesus`s father God born ?

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How was Jesus`s father God born ?




  1. he was always there as Jesus was always there

  2. The Christian concept of "beginning" was created by him and he exists outside of it.

  3. No one knows.

    This question is evidence that no religion cannot answer all questions, even about itself.

  4. In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1: 1 God and Jesus was from the beginning. Nobody created  them.

  5. He's always been there.

  6. Your asking "how" regarding the power an omnipotent nature of God? Either your god is too small, or you think you are too wise.

  7. God is the be a Creator, He must create things, we are His creation. God is the Creator not a creation so basically He is the FIRST, LAST, ALWAYS AND FOREVER.

  8. He wasn't, but supposedly created himself. Christians and many other religions allege their beliefs solve the problem of how existence came to be, while they really only beg the question of causality.

    After Nicea, Christian scholars have tried for centuries to explain this problem, but have met no more success than their secular counterparts.

  9. let' see at the top answers about it

    'he always has been there'

    'he created himself'

    'nobody created him'

  10. Interesting question!!!

    well i'm a sikh and dont know if god had a son or not but my religion teaches that GOD has no BEGINNING and no END.

  11. Jesus's father "GOD" was born out of fear and ignorance.

  12. God IS.

    Jesus IS.

    The Siprit IS.

    When you look into the depth of the sea there is a self satisfying limit of where you came from and what you are/what has become of you and maybe, where you will be going.

    But, when you look up to the sky, rather than postrating, you will realise that God does not need 4 square wives to establish His Will on Earth.

  13. the way God was made is somthing more then time, space, and matter and we humans can only let our minds go so far But God indead is something so great that its just not in our own ability to understand everything exactly.  

  14. God is, always was, and always will be.

  15. This question is logically problematic. If everything needs a creator, than no matter what exists, it must have been created.  Furthermore, to be created means that someone or something had to create it.  But then, who created the creator and so on?  Logically, this would mean there would be an infinite regression of creators and we would never be able to find the first, uncaused cause since, by definition (the questions says that "everything needs a creator") there wouldn't be any uncaused cause.  This would mean that the sequence of creations is eternal.  But, if it exists that there is an eternal regression of creators, then who created the infinite regression of creators?  Remember, the question presupposes that all things need a creator -- even the eternal sequence of creators -- which becomes logically absurd.  Furthermore, if there is an eternal regression of creators that are eternal, then the question is not answered.  In fact, it cannot be answered since it weakness is that "all things need a creator."  Of course, this only begs the question in that how did the process begin? Therefore, the question only raises the same problem it asks and it is a question that, by its own design, cannot be answered.  Therefore, it is invalid.

         The question is better phrased as a statement: "Everything that has come into existence, was brought into existence by something else."  This is a more logical statement and is not wrought with the difficulties of the initial question.  In the revised statement "Everything that has come into existence," implies that the thing that "has come into existence" did not already exist. If it did not already exist but then came into existence, then something had to bring it into existence because something that does not exist cannot bring itself into existence (a logical absolute).  This pushes the regression of creators back to what we would call the theoretical "uncaused cause" since there cannot be an infinite regression of creators as discussed above and since in infinite number of creators would mean there was an infinite number of creations and created things including things that cannot be destroyed since they would constitute things that exist.  If that is so, then the universe would have had an infinite number of created things in it and it would be full.  But it is not full.  Therefore, there has not been an infinite regression of creations.

          By definition, the Christian God never came into existence; that is, He is the uncaused cause (Psalm 90:2).  He was always in existence and He is the one who created space, time, and matter. This means that the Christian God is the uncaused cause and is the ultimate creator.  This eliminates the infinite regression problem.

         But some may ask, "But who created God?"  But the answer is that by definition He is not created; He is eternal.  He is the One who brought time, space, and matter into existence. Since the concept of causality deals with space, time, and matter, and since God is one who brought space, time, and matter into existence, the concept of causality does not apply to God since it is something related to the reality of space, time, and matter.  Since God is before space, time, and matter, the issue of causality does not apply to Him.

  16. Here you go, my best answer from last week:

    God was never "created". God has always existed. God "IS". He is the eternal being, who always was, always is, and ever more shall be.

    It is uncomprehendible for us to wrap our minds around this mystery of Our Faith. The only way we can begin to comprehend it is when we join him for Our Eternal Reward, union with Him in Heaven.


    God Bless.

  17. its soooooooo simple!

    Jesus's Grand-father must have ****** Jesus's Grand mother..

    then Jesus's father born

    Now click on the Choose as BEST ANSWER botton below

  18. He has no beginning..

  19. He wasnt "born". God was always there and will always be there, whether people realize it or not. Hard to understand that he was always there and that there was no "beginning" for him, But then again there's alot of things that are beyond our understanding or that some choose not to believe because it doesnt make "sense" to them. He was always there.

  20. He was born in the minds of men.

  21. One of the sophisticated concepts used by great Christian theologians is that of "The Ground of Being." This concept indicates not that God is the fact of things existing, but that God is the basis for the existence of all things. God is more fundamental to existing things than anything else. So fundamental to the existence of all things is God, that God can be thought of as the basis upon which things exist, the ground their being. To say that God is The ground of being or being itself, is to say that there is something we can sense that is so special about the nature of being that it hints at this fundamental reality upon which all else is based.

    The phrases "Ground of Being" and "Being itself" are basically the same concept. Tillich used both at different times, and other theologians such as John McQuarrey prefer "Being Itself," but they really speak to the same concept. Now skeptics are always asking "how can god be being?" I think this question comes from the fact that the term is misleading. The term "Being itself" gives one the impression that God is the actual fact of "my existence," or the existence of my flowerbed, or any object one might care to name. Paul Tillich, on the other hand, said explicitly (in Systematic Theology Vol. I) that this does not refer to an existential fact but to an ontological status. What is being said is not that God is the fact of the being of some particular object, but, that he is the basis upon which being proceeds and upon which objects participate in being. In other words, since God exists forever, nothing else can come to be without God's will or thought; and since there can't even be a potential for any being without God's thought, all potentialities for being arise in the "mind of God" then in that sense God is actually "Being Itself." I think "Ground of Being" is a less confusing term.

    God is the ground upon which all being is based and from which all being proceeds.

    Therefore God could not have been born. If you force the infinite to fit into the finite, God can not be God.  

  22. First of all you need to understand that bible was not reveled in english. It was later translated in english. The actuall language is very old and the term father is not as we attribute to our father. This is actually God.

    If you believe Jesus son of God you will have to make another story for your questions. If God have sons He might also have father and mother and so on. So this statement proves to be wrong right here.

    Human have a begining and ending

    God has no begining or ending.

    Human need to eat as Jesus eat food but God don;t requires to eat.

    Humans are needy but God is needless

    And who say God has begotton a son are making a big mistake. God can forgive but this sin will not be forgiven at any cost.

    Come to the truth and when you will face God tell Him God you gave me mind and I have understanding that you cant have a son. Tell Him no one is your partner and I worshiped you only. Believe me this is the right path.

  23. I'm a muslim, alhamdulliah and i've been struggling to at least understand christianity like i understand Judaism and Islam. Obviously with any religion you have to have faith in many things and just believe, but ive always believed (and i could be wrong) that Christians reject the notion of using logic and reason to explain the basic tenants of their faith.

    To the person a few responses above me who accused the writer of being proud and shameful for claiming God couldnt be man and human at the same time-the arrogance lies with him. God is Almighty, --why should He in all His Majesty be a human being and live among man, experiencing man's experiences?

    In Christianity, there is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit-they are 3 equal parts of one whole, but they are all God. So if they are all God, then perhaps i should pray to the holy spirit my whole life and not acknowledge the father or jesus? can i do that in the christian sense? of course not.

    In the christian understanding, God needed justice to be paid for in blood-so the blood of Jesus was shed for all of mankind and it is through grace that they are forgiven. But if u use your own rationale, then that would mean that Jesus (who to christians is God) died for God so that the cost of man's sins would be paid for. So God died for God. Why would God demand payment (in blood) in order to be Forgiving to his creation? Why would He demand that He has to die in order to forgive?

    Why did Jesus in the Bible ask God when he was on the cross if God had forsaken him? If they are all part of the same whole, then why would God ask God why he was forsaken?

    In Islam, you ask God for forgiveness and because He is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful, and if your repenting is pure and true, then u receive it. there is no blood shed. no blotting out of sins. you are judged for what you do and no one can die for or carry anyone's sins. Sounds a lot more fair to me...

    I dont understand how God-Almighty God-could ever die???? If He's God, He cant die. And if He can, then he isnt God. God created death just as he created life.

  24. As everybody takes birth!

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