
How was Malcolm X a threat to the U.S. policies?

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How was Malcolm X a threat to the U.S. policies?




  1. I can only go basic (even then have someone else verify this) with this one, but Malcolm X supported segregation as well as a "Back to Africa" movement, which was supported by white civilians but not the government because it would have to go out and protect them (I know tha was the fear that the government had anyways).

    He was also against MLK's vision of unity.

    He was also a muslim (or later became a muslim), not 100% sure if he was a socialist as well bu that can be idealisticly the opposite of capitalism and christianity.

  2. I've forgotten what year he was Pope.

    It must have been quite a few years ago.

    When was Malcolm the 10th Pope?

  3. He was openly speaking against black men serving in the military. Remember Vietnam was going on and it was being fought by a heck of a lot of black young men. Whites were able to get college deferments a lot easier or had ins to get in the National Guard...Nobody cared about his back to Africa talk...big deal - anyone that wanted to move there could, black or white.

  4. Naive with its cohesion that ignited in the cohesion (B) community rather his generation were trying to achieve something healthy for their community without making sense to what other inhabitants contribution. No matter how much community leaders will chastised it for archivist he did constitute not only a self treat for the FP rather himself and his followers of Malcolmism. Of course one way or the other certain categories worship what he wanted to curve as the Harbinger. Without them also certain modern icons will not spark the obamaism so one way the other his fish of doctrines was not in the self interest of U.S. Policies.

  5. Malcom wasnt killed by the government....he was killed by his challengers...

  6. He was an educating force not sanctioned by the State.

  7. He was an extreme radical that advocated violence.

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